.: Kwanhan :. A picture whenever possible

28th April 2012, Saturday


forced myself to head down to Hort Park this evening, with no other purpose in mind other than to shoot.

i think i was feeling frustrated with myself after all my whining on the rumoured d600 thread :bsmilie: (i confess i'm no saint. i suffer from gear lust)

think we need to remind ourselves that better gear doesn't make us better photographers ... if we can't get good results with what we have... then we should stop kidding ourselves and focus on getting better.

better gear makes certain things easier, enables certain shots (like landscape photography through ND filters and a tripod)

i liked this shot... and i lifted the shadows big time since the camera metered for the clouds (sorry if its noisy)

should i get a tripod? could use some expert instruction on how to do landscapes... any kind souls?

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Hi, it's good to have positive attitude. Better gear doesn't make better photographer all the time, better understanding of what you have, does:)

No landscape expert, just started more seriously recently, some things that I had done:

- See the landscape thread and look at the good shooters and how they do it, like "edutilos", "scintillation", "someformofhuman", "supersimon", "daredevil123", "mgohzxc" aka manita a talented 13 year old girl and etc, too many to mention. Learn about composition, leading lines and places to shoot.
- Read about filters here, very useful, written by "daredevil123"
- Tripod is a must if you want to start into landscape (long exposure) photography, a good economical brand used by many is "Sirui"
- Go shoot preferable with some buddies, post and ask for critique (be humble) in critique corner or over here:)

Finally, enjoy yourself, that's the most important. Just some 2 cts of mine, again not an expert, just a gear freak:)

Hi, it's good to have positive attitude. Better gear doesn't make better photographer all the time, better understanding of what you have, does:)

No landscape expert, just started more seriously recently, some things that I had done:

- See the landscape thread and look at the good shooters and how they do it, like "edutilos", "scintillation", "someformofhuman", "supersimon", "daredevil123", "mgohzxc" aka manita a talented 13 year old girl and etc, too many to mention. Learn about composition, leading lines and places to shoot.
- Read about filters here, very useful, written by "daredevil123"
- Tripod is a must if you want to start into landscape (long exposure) photography, a good economical brand used by many is "Sirui"
- Go shoot preferable with some buddies, post and ask for critique (be humble) in critique corner or over here:)

Finally, enjoy yourself, that's the most important. Just some 2 cts of mine, again not an expert, just a gear freak:)

thanks for the input! :D

29th April 2012, Sunday


Another shot from Hort Park. Spent at least 10 minutes pointing my camera directly upwards to get something I liked. (the flowers were actually extending horizontally outwards)

here's a tighter crop in b/w

there's a white canvas border ... which is invisible here :bsmilie:


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30th April 2012, Monday


dark rising

1st May 2012, 2012


you can sit on my umbrella ella ella ay ay ay

didn't notice for the past few posts, but only just noticed I didn't correct my photoshop colour space issues properly for web upload the last time. (no wonder i had a vague sense that i was losing contrast)

can someone advise?

for CS5 do I set it to Europe Web/Internet 2?

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3rd May 2012, Thursday


the space between 2 bridges

we are constantly so near yet so far from love

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10th May 2012, Thursday


somedays you just bring your camera out to shoot something, anything.. and you make do with senseless shots.

13th May 2012, Sunday


the ennui of the city

20th May 2012, Sunday


for this weekend i've lent my best friend my think tank retrospective 30, d300, tamron 17-50, nikon 85 1.8 and sb700 to go krabi.

which leaves me with my trusty blackberry and photoshop.

hope I don't go bananas in the mean time worrying if he dropped it into the sea.

21st May 2012, Monday


The Dark Kitty Rises

26th May 2012, Saturday



31st May 2012, Thursday



1st June 2012, Friday


first time attending a hindu temple wedding... it's a very colourful and boistrous event :D

Where is this? Did u try? Does it really work?

26th March 2012, Monday


more blackberry.

Singapore needs more people with a sense of humour like this.

thanks bonnie :)

(am I allowed to call you bonnie?)

eh hyperfocal its at a cross junction near tanah merah station, near simpang bedok.

press liao... time... passes lor hahaha :bsmilie: