Recent content by ari7474

  1. A

    Car Portraits with a twist...

    I've noticed some of you prefer cars being shot at night. Well, it was a bit tricky but I would like to share this 2 images I did last year. Twin Terror- This is 2 Nissan Silvia S15 cruising along the highway. Silvia at Night- This was shot at a dark road. The car was lit by...
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    Car Portraits with a twist...

    Sure bro.. No problem. I mounted a suck pod on the car and put my D70 by the side. Set the exposure on Shutter priority and I fired with a remote. All I did was just turn in circles on first gear. Thats all ;) Speed was around 20-30km/h. Arrange a car shoot? I hear you guys have plenty...
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    Car Portraits with a twist...

    Thanks man.. I love cars.. Thats why I hope to get some tips from the people here in sg to improve my images further.. Thanks for your comments. Hehehe.. Scary?? No lah.. Its just to hide my face coz I entered the picture for a competition. Didnt want people to see my face lor..
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    Car Portraits with a twist...

    Hi there.. Glad you liked the drifting image. It was done out of the blue when I was at home and everyone was sleeping during the late afternoon rain. Its also easier on the tyre. Night scene eh...? Hmm.. Actually, I've never thought about that.. Thanks man..
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    Car Portraits with a twist...

    Wow! Thanks a lot for the tips and comments. I'm gonna have to try to incorporate most if not all into my next car shoot. Thank you so much... ;) Umm... "SMSA"... what is that? I'm guessing its some sort of motorsport association? Well, in any case, I do agree with you regarding the safety...
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    Car Portraits with a twist...

    Just sharing some more shots if you guys dont mind.. #1-Brembo #2-Sunset 180sx #3-M5 Hartge Thanks for viewing.. :)
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    Car Portraits with a twist...

    Hahahaaa... Yes.. My bad ;) Ok.. I have a good reason for that. Firstly, it was only a first gear donut around an abandoned area near my house. Secondly, it wasnt more than 20-30km/h and due to the slow shutter speed, it made it look a little faster than it is.. Next, I had to go out of the car...
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    Car Portraits with a twist...

    Hello again Cs.. Umm.. I'm not sure if this is the right thread to post in. I hope if its wrong (I'm sorry :dunno:), the moderators would put it in the appropriate thread. Thank You.. Anyway, before I started photography, I was an avid car freak. I spent almost if not all of my pay to mod...
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    Simply Simple - The Third Invitation

    Hello Ejun, Wow.. I like all the pictures here.. I especially like this one and also the first pic. Maybe, its the way she's looking at the camera. And your composition and PP makes it even more alluring. But, I just wished if her hair at the back wasnt like that. But thats just me i guess...
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    Spoilt Angel

    Wow... You do have plenty of different shoots with Angel. I love the varieties. My fave would be the "tight" shot.. hehehe.. I meant image 13. I think, the composition and pose is great. Lighting and mood is sexy. I like it most. Thanks for sharing.
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    a Vision from across the causeway...

    Actually, I'm very fortunate that I get to travel as that is my daily job. And mostly, when I'm away, I always have my camera with me. These are some of my older shots taken a few years ago in Vienna and Frankfurt. Its sort of like... a "couple" series... kinda appropriate since on Saturday, its...
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    a Vision from across the causeway...

    Hello again CS... I'm really overwhelmed by the response. Thank you very much for the kind and encouraging words. I honestly think, you people are too generous :lovegrin: Please let me explain, I'm an amateur photog in Kuala Lumpur and I'm still learning too. I learn a lot from comments...
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    Images of the world from a non Landscape shooter

    Hi Zoosh... Firstly, thank you very much for your time to write your comments. I really appreciate it. You think there's too much vignette on my images..? Ok. Will review it again on my future images. I always learn from comments from other photogs. I'm glad that you're willing to share...
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    Hi Ejun... Someone just posted a visitor message to me so, this is really new to me.. Just...

    Hi Ejun... Someone just posted a visitor message to me so, this is really new to me.. Just thought I'd drop by to say hi... And hopefully, if I'm ever down in SG, I'd really like to meet with you for TT or something.. and maybe get to know more CS members too.. Cheers buddy ;)
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    Hi there Velasco, Wow... I didnt even know this site has this conversation thinghy... Its very...

    Hi there Velasco, Wow... I didnt even know this site has this conversation thinghy... Its very cool... Anyway, thanks for your feedback. I'm quite fortunate that my job requires me to travel and with that, I do get to take some pictures from different parts of the world. As for the post...