Recent content by JeffryZ

  1. J

    Paper Dream - A Dreamer

    Wow. Very nice. The lily pads seem like they are floating at different levels. The black and white works really good on it.
  2. J

    Titi Pirate, Penang

    Crazy colors! Is that a "goldie" filter?
  3. J

    D7000 IR Capabilities?

    What I suggest if having troubles with setting a custom white balance (it needs to be done with the filter on and pointing at something green like grass but on newer digital cameras you are knocking out so much light when combined with the internal IR filter over the sensor that it is extremely...
  4. J

    Recent Infared Works

    Thank you Blackgoddess! I don't restrict myself to landscapes though they are the most popular. It didn't but I thought that one should have ribboned too. (I always think all of my photos I enter should ribbon of course!)
  5. J

    Recent Infared Works

    Landscape. Here, a catamaran beached on the local bay. Mission Bay Sailboat Grey Whale Backbone. A full- scale copy actually. From this angle, it seems to be marching off the edge of the cliff and climbing back into the ocean like a giant serpant. Backbone Thank you for looking. I...
  6. J

    Recent Infared Works

    Animals. I like to take it to the zoo with me as well. This is a meercat keeping a watchful eye on spectators. One of my favorite subjects there. It can sometimes be difficult to work with the glass or wire enclosures. Hint- use a long lens (helps blur cages- I am using a point and shoot so...
  7. J

    Recent Infared Works

    A converted IR camera is great because you can use "normal" shutter speeds and get IR photos impossible to shoot before. I take my little camera everywhere. This trip is to the fair. Not a tradiional IR shot with white folliage but the darkening of the sky and a changed perspective made this...
  8. J

    Recent Infared Works

    Wow- things really seem to have slowed down here. I shouldn't talk- haven't posted here in a long time myself. Let me start off with my best achievement. Entered some photos in a big local contest where 4500 people entered and two thirds got rejected off the top for being exhibited. Mostly...
  9. J

    Everest Trek ~ in IR [limwhow]

    An incredible trip. Sometimes we focus too much on taking pictures and forget to just enjoy what is around us. I think you balanced taking enough pictures with the camera to be able to remind you of the pictures you took with your mind on the journey. As always, very well done!
  10. J

    Mormon Temple- San Diego

    A stunning building. You have to be a member of the Church to go inside (which I am not) but you are free to wander around the outside and enjoy it. Shots taken at slightly different times of day (about an hour or so apart) as I waited for it to get dark and the lights on the building to come...
  11. J

    [campoes] When we cannot see it, does not mean it is not there

    Great colors and I love the angle you chose to shoot this last one from!
  12. J

    [campoes] When we cannot see it, does not mean it is not there

    Great colors and I love the angle you chose to shoot this last one from .
  13. J


    Creative use of colored filtering on the editing. I like!
  14. J

    IR B&W photo wan to share share :)

    Cool shots! The darkness adds to the mood of them. Faves would be the first and last.
  15. J

    April Fool Outing.. Railway Station

    Great pictures! I like all the colors and the processing.