Recent content by teerex

  1. teerex

    home coming

    after years of absence. i'm coming back to the forum.
  2. teerex

    A N G K O R . W A T ~ An InfraRed Series

    Hey Doc, beautiful series.
  3. teerex

    IR in Brisbane

    Nicely done. Thanks for sharing.
  4. teerex

    JUne IR Outing Pixs sharing thread...")

    Thank you for organizing the outing Ah Chua. Good to see so many participants although it was quite a last minute arrangement. Sorry can't make it to join you guys, have been very busy lately. Hey guys keep shooting and thanks for sharing your shots.
  5. teerex

    Anyone got the rainbow today?

    Nice :cool:. Something new to look out for in IR. Thanks for sharing.
  6. teerex

    How to take IR photo using D3100?

    Hope these can help you. Infrared Photography, Part 1 - Photography with Imre - Episode 23 - YouTube Infrared Photography, Part 2 - Photography with Imre - Episode 24 - YouTube
  7. teerex

    In a dream

    Hi Stan, it's been a long time. Keep them coming.
  8. teerex

    1st Time Lapse trial @ Peirce Reservoir in 600nm

    Well done. Once in a while someone will come up with something new and challenging. This is beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
  9. teerex

    A Goldfish's View...

    Always liked your tones and perspectives :cool:
  10. teerex

    Olympus XZ-1 with FAST f1.8 lens

    I usually receive my shipments from DX within 2 to 3 weeks.
  11. teerex

    Dive Schools

    Thanks again everyone, really appreciate the responses.
  12. teerex

    Dive Schools

    Thanks everyone for you inputs, really appreciate them. Now I know what to look for and what to expect from the schools. Especially the finer things like gears.
  13. teerex

    Dive Schools

    Hey Guys, Thanks for all you tips and advises Will check out the schools to on their syllabus. Looks like what Antacid said is true, some places cut corners and have only 2 theory, 2 confined and 2 open water dives. Any more input is appreciated.
  14. teerex

    Dive Schools

    Hi, Would appreciat if some one can recomend good dive schools in Singapore. Typically how many lessons before open water dive. There are some with 2 theory, 2 practical and 2 open dives. Thanks teerex
  15. teerex

    IR outing 23 april Sharing thread

    Nice group Photo. Great turnout. Thanks for organizing Ah Chua.