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  1. N

    A recently covered wedding

    [/url] IMG_1086_BW by Nigel_4ever, on Flickr[/IMG]
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    A recently covered wedding

    yups done it ;P Details are revealed! Thanks all for the valuable input! Still learning from everyone here...
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    A recently covered wedding

    Yeah, almost very much on purpose, it was either the bride and groom face or the gown. >.< Thus, i forsake the gown and suit. but of course it would be recoverable via PP. Will do so when time permits :P
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    A recently covered wedding

    Ain't very much a pro, but just to share :D, a recently covered wedding. More pictures, would be uploaded as time goes along and when I have the luxury of time to do up a bit more pics. >.<''' IMG_1075_presentation_2 by Nigel_4ever, on Flickr
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    EX 580 Questions

    I have been using my 580EXII for quite some time, apparently i do not encounter the same problem as you. My batteries would be hot, but not to the extend that it would burn me. I reccomend that you bring it down to Canon to do a check. It should be covered under the warranty if yours is still valid.
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    HDR image of a block of flats

    TS, your shot, has problems, and here are what that makes it a terrible photo, however if you insist it is good, than so be it. 1) you shot from eye level, even at 8th flr, it wun make things and more dramatic. when u are staring everything that seems about the same height as you in the...
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    the G-Star Raw

    Errm, the first thing that struck me here, is the underexposure...
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    Is L lens over-rated?

    Other than CZ, i think there isn't much competition between 3rd party and L series lens, although I must say, in certain areas, the Sigma camp does better, but on the overall, I would say Canon's L lens perform consistently well. I have laid my hands on various L lens and must say, as of now...
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    I hope it looks as good as it taste

    @ StarDust: Haha, i have no idea what is that, someone else ordered it for me. LOL! i just shot, and eat. Nv ask what was it. @ Rebelriot: Thank you! There are still much more i can learn and improve on... :)
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    Marina Bay Sand

    I dunno abt others, but the first thing that struck me here is that is slanted. And its distracting me a lot, thus contributing to me not really appreciating the entire pic. It seems to throw off the balance of the total pic as a whole.
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    I hope it looks as good as it taste

    After a week of looking around, although not a lot, I hope this is something better than the usual I have posted. IMG_0046 by Nigel_4ever, on Flickr
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    I hope it looks as good as it taste

    I dunno if the below image is going to work with everyone here, but I'm clueless in taking pictures of sandwiches, moreover it was done with an empty stomach >.< Club Sandwich by Nigel_4ever, on Flickr
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    I hope it looks as good as it taste

    IMG_9740 by Nigel_4ever, on Flickr IMG_9733 by Nigel_4ever, on Flickr
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    I hope it looks as good as it taste

    Hi Oracle, I do understand the portions on Lighting and focus selection. However the part on the angle, perhaps some light can be shed here. I admit that the placement of the tart with the peach coming nearer to the foreground is a huge distraction. As for the post processing, I have only bump...
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    I hope it looks as good as it taste

    I was very much inspired by the food threads here and decided to create this thread here, hopefully to gain more knowledge on food photography and to up my noobish skill level. :cry: I will post more as I go along, hopefully to gather some feedback from all the pros out here and put them to...
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    Winter @ New Zealand South Island

    Although I must admit that the landscapes that New Zealand offers is something beyong imagination. The sharpening here, spoils almost everything.
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    A moment to share.

    @ xxdoggyxx: yups, point noted, but like what limwhow had said in the next post, i think a switch in role would be better. @ limwhow: Ty! Perhaps that is the contributing reason...
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    A moment to share.

    Ya, i agree as well, should had made my F stop higher, and lower the flash power, It appears to be too harsh and the ball of light is a wee bit distracting. :cry: Positioning the camera lower? Errm, pardon my ignorance, but ed, if i position my camera lower, i would lose my leaves framing...
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    Ferrari with Camels

    I'm not sure, if you had post processed this image, if you have, i think you might have bumped the saturation for the reds to be too high. It seems that the lighting on the car itself is too harsh as well which could be the root of the cause as well.
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    Ferrari with Camels

    This pic does not work for me. The Ferrari, which i suppose to be the main subject in this pic is in a mass of red. No clear tones; just red. That alone puts me off from looking further. I'm not sure where have you focused on the model car, as everything else seems to be blur. The shadows cast...