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  1. J

    Share Some RF Shots 5

    Thanks a lot (: Ermmm the film itself says Kodak Supra 400. Im not sure. A friend gave a couple to me a year ago. Its beautiful isnt it?
  2. J

    Share Some RF Shots 5

    More. Sry for the overload, just wanted to share.
  3. J

    Share Some RF Shots 5

    Shanghai/ Hangzhou Dec 09 Bessa R, 35mm Ultron F1.7 Lovely camera and lens, though adjusting aperture and focusing with gloves is a $%&*%^*&%.
  4. J

    Offering Film Scanning Service...

    Hey I just emailed you.
  5. J

    F1 09 Friday - Turns 11/12 and 14

    Oops. k Ill see, thanks a lot. I just added contrast though. Maybe has to do with me underexposing some shots too :s I think Im too used to the 00-06 Ferrari colours haha Edit 3.08pm: Thoughts?
  6. J

    F1 09 Friday - Turns 11/12 and 14

    Ahh k thanks haha. How about the other cars? I just raised the contrast and added noise :s
  7. J

    F1 09 Friday - Turns 11/12 and 14

    thanks a lot..
  8. J

    F1 09 Friday - Turns 11/12 and 14

    Turn 11/12, Session 2
  9. J

    F1 09 Friday - Turns 11/12 and 14

    My first time covering sports. Friday Turn 14, Session 1
  10. J

    [ Olympus Colours ] - Show Your Blues, Greens and Reds!

    On a different note erm Can I suggest that we impose a limit as to the size of the photos we post here? Most of the time the page takes too long to load and I cant see the full picture at once anyway.
  11. J

    [ Olympus Colours ] - Show Your Blues, Greens and Reds!

    Thanks for your support... Ill post more when I get the time to shoot, or when I dig up the good ones from my archive... I just noticed, Out of the Shadows looks like it has the Batman symbol, no? haha
  12. J

    [ Olympus Colours ] - Show Your Blues, Greens and Reds!

    Out of the Shadows Chinatown Alleyways Alleyways In Life's Twilight