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  1. L

    Condolences... and please, no photo is worth losing your life for.

    In PRC, especially, in those road less travelled, safety could be lacking, like broken planks on suspension bridges, or lack of barricades or parapets that are designed for a big crowd. another safety issue is the lack of fire fire safety in hotels. and of course, l pick pockets.
  2. L

    Photo equipments stolen from carpark

    a PRC friend told me that qian bao muz be kept in [ qian ]:thumbsup: front and not else where.
  3. L

    clearing choked drainage pipe

    I almost fell off my chair seeing this pic.............. PLEASE SEE WHERE I STAY!!!!!!
  4. L

    Legal aspect of forums like for example this CS, especially this Koptiam here

    in the end, it is the lawyers who are laughing all the way to the bank
  5. L

    Legal aspect of forums like for example this CS, especially this Koptiam here

    well, well, unless the thing is that it is so darn serious that it merits such a thing as to sue someone. in forum posting, to sue someone, it takes hell of a lot of effort as things are not so well defined as with the traditional case of verbal slander, libel or written defamation. in...
  6. L

    Quality Assurance in FORUMS

    I remember long, long time ago, there was an African General who gave himself a few medals like the OBE so that he can be addressed as SIR officially, :nono: do you want that????
  7. L

    Some caution before paying for tours with tour agencies

    hahaha, if if were to go with mistress, I will wear sunglasses and even a mask all the time la. please do not take me seriously
  8. L

    Legal aspect of forums like for example this CS, especially this Koptiam here

    now the thing is that most of us are er gentle men type, and we sort of practice self censorship. and do not wish to get our self in hot soup. Right????
  9. L

    Quality Assurance in FORUMS

    Quite often I see some typo errors in the posting in Kopitiam and in other threads as well. my question is how much of a QA do you do before posting ?? We all, known QA is standard or rather SOP in manufacturing, but when it comes to paper work, not sure how much of QA d o we apply. some...
  10. L

    Some caution before paying for tours with tour agencies

    Wat about Chan Bros, which seems to me has got lots and lots of publicity, especially, in TV, you know those package with a mediacorp personel to act as a promoter as well as a tour guide. it looks like it is more of another TV program then a tour package. Anyone tried.??????? Chan bros...
  11. L

    Legal aspect of forums like for example this CS, especially this Koptiam here

    needless to say that here in SG we got to be specially careful when in it comes to such thing as race, language or religion and also, certain political figures here. and not forgetting porn as well.:devil: any way, cyberspace is now becoming bigger and bigger so much so that it is becoming...
  12. L

    Legal aspect of forums like for example this CS, especially this Koptiam here

    I am asking this question if someone can sue somebody based on done defamatory remarks just or:think: comments or just some insinuations or just merely innuendoes written in a forum. now, the thing is that the plaintiff may nor may not be directly identified in the first place. The...
  13. L

    Anyone bought Country Garden Danga B?

    who so you think are the ones who are attacted to this kind of property?? I guess not those who live in District 9,10,11. those who are now staying at TPY AMK or Eunos, Bedok or Tampines......... some might be attracted by the mucho bigger space there, to do some gardening, to plant some...
  14. L

    OLd aLEXANDRA hospital to be conserved

    Now, any good suggestion as to what it could be converted to. me suggest it to be a medical museum. noticed that most GPs these days are using the digital blood pressure machine liao.
  15. L

    When putting up signage, please check spelling

    in manufacturing, Quality control and Quality assurance and even Quality management are the buzz words What about paper work, document, posting in forums and so forth, we seem be less careful. not sure if PROOF READING is SOP?????
  16. L

    better not to live too old...

    the important thing is how we go if we go the easy way like in a POP [heart attack] or in a long illness, bed ridden or wheel chair or just cannot see clearly or hear well.
  17. L

    Same old debate

    some are afraid their gear got exposed to too mucho dust and another one afraid of fungus and then, one afraid of finger prints and finally, afraid of ghost, not forgetting rain too. --- after 3 years, the gear is still in showroom condition so that you can sell or rather fetch a good price...
  18. L

    Miss, Mrs, Mdm or Ms

    Females are addressed as Miss or Mrs [misus] or Madame. That was in the old days. Now, things are sort of simplified already. Question is when did this Ms came to be used and has become more or less standard. Actually, Ms used to be the short form of Messieurs. Maybe in the near...
  19. L

    tamron customer service SUCK SUCK

    This thread made my DAY !!!!!! Iinteresting and nice pics , BraVo