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  1. limwhow

    try 590nm

    Hello 老大! Long time no see. This one tok gong!
  2. limwhow

    1st time IR

    Hello ckw10066, your 590nm certainly gives much more colour than perhaps what an ELP or an R72 would. - An R72 has this frequency range: cut off starts at 680mn, and 50% at 720nm. It certainly cuts off more visible lights than ELP & your 590nm. - The Edmund Long Pass (ELP) filter would...
  3. limwhow

    IR with E-PL1

    Oh.. a beauty, this one. Really nice. v0857, allow me to suggest.. up the exposure a little bit more.. perhaps by another 1/3 stop to 1/2 a stop. In infrared photography, you need not worry about being a little bit over. That will give you a slightly better exposure. In this lovely shot of...
  4. limwhow

    Learning to shoot IR

    Hello SkyStrike. No. 1 is certainly a beauty. No question about that. The funny colours in the sky in No.5 is due to polarisation.. you may have inadvertently pushed the colours a little bit more. But it's ok. IR is, end of the day, a surreal image. I prefer doing a 100% swap first. You can...
  5. limwhow

    Iceland with SGTrekkers Feb-Mar '14

    Hello, my good thoongeng .. Your that shot of Jokulsarlon Ice Beach really takes the cake, man! Now I know finally, what you were trying to do when you climbed on that huge chunk of ice! Kudos!
  6. limwhow

    My Newbie Shots

    Hello Mythmaker, In terms of the tone, I like this best. Maybe I am just a more golden foliage person. Just keep an eye out for the hot spot in the middle of this photo, which strangely didn't appear in the other two shots. Keep your shots coming! Sincerely yours, limwhow
  7. limwhow

    The color of Infrared.

    Hello cpark188, Of your collection, I particularly enjoy these two. In these shots, you have brought out the characteristic of IR in the foliage, which is its most expressive aspect. I like no. 12 because of its composition with the silhouette of the statue watching over the pagoda. Keep up the...
  8. limwhow

    SGTrekker 12D Nepal Upper Mustang Tiji Festival Photo Tour (1-12 May 2013)

    Nyla Pass Not bad lah.. all that shaking and banging and bodies and limbs being thrown around inside the jeep got a little bit of rest when we came to Nyla Pass at almost 4000m. Well, at least it was another one more rest point for our shaken bodies. This is one of the higher passes along the...
  9. limwhow

    SGTrekker 12D Nepal Upper Mustang Tiji Festival Photo Tour (1-12 May 2013)

    Midday... the jeep stopped somewhere in the middle of no where... Haha.. another small village called Chharang. Our lunch point. Some more dhal bat and chowmein (fried noodles)... and we were off again, pass Nyla pass..
  10. limwhow

    SGTrekker 12D Nepal Upper Mustang Tiji Festival Photo Tour (1-12 May 2013)

    Ghami On jeep trips like these, one village would inevitably get merged into another village. And after a while, I couldn't tell Ghilling apart from Ghami. But past by Ghami we did, and saw the longest mani wall in Mustang we did too. As depicted by wkcheah in his lovely shot... Click on...
  11. limwhow

    SGTrekker 12D Nepal Upper Mustang Tiji Festival Photo Tour (1-12 May 2013)

    The monotony of the jeep hum couldn't overcome the multiple surges of adrenaline within my blood stream as the driver took on the road, testing the maximum speed attainable by his 4WD. I was glad to have a break when we arrived at Ghilling (Geling). Phew... the boys and girls jumped off for a...
  12. limwhow

    SGTrekker 12D Nepal Upper Mustang Tiji Festival Photo Tour (1-12 May 2013)

    Day 5: Syangboche to Lo Manthang A nice bumpy jeep ride with plenty of good view of the edge of the cliffs... The story continues... Yupe. Time comes to moving out. It was to be an about 4 hour plus jeep ride through mountain roads.. And frankly as I told the rest of the team after the ride...
  13. limwhow

    SGTrekker 12D Nepal Upper Mustang Tiji Festival Photo Tour (1-12 May 2013)

    Beautiful, vngks and wkcheah! There you are.. I was waiting for you guys to put in your photos and then the story can continue! Great jobs, guys! And wkcheah I was really banging on you for the history part of Lo Manthang and Tiji Festival, for you are the historian amongst us. Thank you!
  14. limwhow

    SGTrekker 12D Nepal Upper Mustang Tiji Festival Photo Tour (1-12 May 2013)

    Wah.. nice nice movement shot! Man, you guys were all so intensely focussing on your shooting at World Peace Stupa. The shots certainly tell. And this one is swee! SereneXMM and I were simply relaxing and walking leisurely around.
  15. limwhow

    SGTrekker 12D Nepal Upper Mustang Tiji Festival Photo Tour (1-12 May 2013)

    Fwoooooooah! Stylo Mylo yah! That was why no one showered when we spent the night in Chele.. LOL!
  16. limwhow

    SGTrekker 12D Nepal Upper Mustang Tiji Festival Photo Tour (1-12 May 2013)

    Day 5: Syangboche to Lo Manthang Well, finally this day came. We were going to arrive at Lo Manthang... haha.. after all the toil and sweat. The walled-city of Lo Manthang is essentially a very small town-like enclosure, and every part of this 'city' is within walking distance. The Royal...
  17. limwhow

    SGTrekker 12D Nepal Upper Mustang Tiji Festival Photo Tour (1-12 May 2013)

    Too shagged to eat... Looking at this photo, it was pretty memorable because 'TIRED' was written all over the faces. Yes, a few of us were simply too tired to even eat. So skipped dinner, some of us did. But we had some hot drinks. Vngks, as always needed his food. And I too.
  18. limwhow

    SGTrekker 12D Nepal Upper Mustang Tiji Festival Photo Tour (1-12 May 2013)

    Thanks so much for coming on board, Will03! Just a simply little travelling diary here. LOL.. Hope you enjoyed some of it.
  19. limwhow

    SGTrekker 12D Nepal Upper Mustang Tiji Festival Photo Tour (1-12 May 2013)

    "How high are we at now ah?" asked wkcheah. "3973m, almost at 4000m liao." I panted. So we made another turn, and another couple of rounds.. and finally Syangboche was in sight... "Oh, finally we have made the real last turn," said a very relieved wkcheah. "But wow.. the descend is going...
  20. limwhow

    SGTrekker 12D Nepal Upper Mustang Tiji Festival Photo Tour (1-12 May 2013)

    OK, let's push on! Let's go let's go... There was no more stops between Benha and Syangboche. By now, the minds and the bodies had fused into one utterly confused, zombified walking machine... And the only signal that the brains send out to the limbs was a dull Morse code of neurotransmitters...