[Free Short Film Screening]: First Take - February

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New Member
Dec 17, 2008
The Substation Moving Images presents
2 February 2009
The Substation Theatre

First Take, happening every 1st Monday of the month at The Substation, is a popular screening of new local short films and is followed by a Q&A with the filmmakers. A platform for new filmmakers and anyone who is interested in filmmaking to meet, exchange ideas and show their work. See the future talents of Singapore film!

Madhu Goswami is a visually handicapped but daring, confident woman. She narrates some of her experiences from a book on her life story to a newfound friend. But just as the book closes and the story ends, the truth begins to unfold.

Director’s Bio: Prasanna is a student doing his final semester in Electrical Engineering in NUS. He has always been very passionate about films, and has made two short films CRYING IN THE DARK and POETRY AT DUSK. He aspires to become a serious filmmaker.

The SYNCHRONICITY SERIES is an animated series shot and performed in Little India and at The Sch. of Art, Media & Design in Singapore. It is a migrant artist’s interpretation of living as an outsider and an alien in a foreign land where conformity is seen as admirable and where the government takes pride in its systems of order, cooperation & control.

This 2 min video is the result of 12 consecutive weekends spent choregraphing, animating & performing improvised formations within the urban space.

Director’s Bio: Beginning her art career working primarily in painting & photography, Eileen Reynolds went on to work in the film and television industry. Along with shooting various independent short films, she was Director of Photography for the POW WOW, GATHERING OF NATIONS, a video series distributed by FOX TV. Eileen continues to exhibit her personal artwork, consisting of painting, photography & stop-motion animation. For the past 3 years, she has been an Asst. Prof. Of Animation in the Sch. Of Art, Design & Media at NTU.

3. FENCES / KELVIN KE / 7 MIN / 2007 /
Kenneth and Raja usually meet up before a game of street soccer. Both of them not only grew up together but they are the best of friends. Just before one of their games, they wait for time to pass.

FENCES details the story of two young men who shares a bond that goes beyond race and ethnicity. It is a quiet and contemplative film that examines the mood and attitudes of working class males in multiracial Singapore.

Director’s Bio: Kelvin Ke Jinde graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Film at the Putnam Sch. of Film, La Salle, majoring in Cinematography. He was formerly from Ngee Ann Poly FSV. Kelvin Ke is interested in content development and media production. He enjoys creating and crafting programs that will entertain and inform audiences through his works. His earlier short film, CARAMEL, was selected for the 4th Winnipeg International Film Festival 2008, Bridge International Film Festival 2008 and 5th Singapore Short Cuts. His other short film, THE PLAN was recently screened at The Substation First Takes in October 2008.

4. (S)439956 / ELGIN HO / 7 MIN / 2008 / PG
A reflective journey through one’s memory that will bring us closer to our hearts; a visual diary of a little corner in Singapore called Katong during the 90s. This film was made to challenge the conventional boundaries between a documentary and a fictional film.

Director’s Bio: Born in Hong Kong, Elgin Ho was exposed to the film industry as early as five years old. He is currently pursuing his B.A. in Fine Arts (Digital Film Major) at NTU ADM. His previous short films, FOREIGN DREAMS & NINETEEN TWENTIES have made appearances in film festivals around the world receiving numerous awards.

SUBMISSIONS ARE WELCOME ALL YEAR ROUND! For more information or to screen your work at First Take, please visit our website at www.substation.org or contact the Programme Manager of Moving Images at 6337 7535 / movingimages@substation.org

First Take is presented as part of The Substation Moving Images programme and supported by the Singapore Film Commission!

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