I need some help with my Nikon F-601!


New Member
Sep 20, 2009
I own a Nikon F-601 currently, was given by my dad's friend awhile back. So i have just tried out this camera with a roll of film, but it seems like i've encountered some problem and i tried to find solutions online but to no avail. Hence, here shall be a platform for me to find my answers!!!! So yeah, errr.... my cam tells me the object is in focus but through the viewfinder, the object is not in focus! Anyone encounters this problem before? I know that for DSLR, there's a dioptric adjustment knob for me to adjust, but i don't think slr have? if have, i don't know where is it in the nikon f-601!!! If no solution, should i follow the camera's focus point or the image through the viewfinder? thanks!!!:confused:


I have an old F50, and also encounter the same issue as yours, and I am not sure whether the following suggestion will fix the issue or not.

There is a little mirror, which I think is use for focusing, behind the big mirror for the view finder. After exploring the camera for quite a while, the little mirror dropped out. I glued the little mirror back, but I have yet to test it out, because I do not have new battery to test.

The CLA should be around $80, which I don't think is quite worth the money. Alternatively, you can try to use manual focusing to save the money.

Hope this help.