Many Thanks to those who attended Nikon ClubSNAP Singapore Flyer Outing

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many thanks to pe, dca, ortega and many was a wonderful outing. nice to meet you guys.

here's some of my shots.






the rest are here.

Special thanks to PE, NW, GY, DCA, Zaren, Francis and the rest of the mods for making the event a success. I've learnt a lot especially for the night shot portion.

Sharing a few photos:

On the way up:

BS Bridge:

Centre of the wheel:

The descent:

Using the black card: (to bring out the darker background buildings)

Gosh.. It was already so dark when you guys started flying? What time was it?

Thanks to the chngpe01 and other moderators :thumbsup: for organizing this trip and special thanks to francis , who share with his night photography knowledge together with us at the esplanade !

Well done guys !

Taking night photographs in the capsule is a challenge , at least for a noob like me, here are my fotos :






wish i was there too :(

having stock take till 9pm plus


Ok post your images here, for this thread we have made an exception to allow posting of images.

The best 10 members image chosen will each receive a Special CS designed T shirt

So means I need to move my photos from Land/City-scapes and Travel to here or repost my photos here?:embrass:

This is my very first clubsnap nikon outing and i must say that it has been great! :)

Thanks to mr.chngpe01 and other moderators for arranging this moving experience for all the nikon enthusiasts. :)

Special thanks to Francis for the sharing of tips & techniques for doing night photography. Greatly appreciated his time and patience in explaining and demonstrating some interesting skills using black card to create special effects such as zoom, step zoom, light painting etc. We too learnt about how black card comes useful for firework shots.

All in all, i have enjoyed the outing very much. ;)

Shall attempt to post my pix, hopefully could qualify for the nikon outfit. :cool:

Look forward to the next outing and hope that we'll get the chance to join once again!


p/s. thanks very much to the gentleman who has kindly gave the nikon vest to me upon my request. my apology for not knowing your identity ;p

This is my very first clubsnap nikon outing and i must say that it has been great! :)

Thanks to mr.chngpe01 and other moderators for arranging this moving experience for all the nikon enthusiasts. :)

Special thanks to Francis for the sharing of tips & techniques for doing night photography. Greatly appreciated his time and patience in explaining and demonstrating some interesting skills using black card to create special effects such as zoom, step zoom, light painting etc. We too learnt about how black card comes useful for firework shots.

All in all, i have enjoyed the outing very much. ;)

Shall attempt to post my pix, hopefully could qualify for the nikon outfit. :cool:

Look forward to the next outing and hope that we'll get the chance to join once again!


p/s. thanks very much to the gentleman who has kindly gave the nikon vest to me upon my request. my apology for not knowing your identity

Welcome to CS hope you enjoy the stay here thru the years.

So means I need to move my photos from Land/City-scapes and Travel to here or repost my photos here?:embrass:

Yes you can

Thanks to all Organisers, Helpers, Nikon and CS for making this outing a success.
Here are some snapshots to share.

Space capsule with a retro look, (Reminds me of Space Odyssey 2001) :bsmilie:

Another one

Wide view of city area

Another view of city skyline

Dun have many good one but first time trying to push the D300 beyond ISO 1250. Thanks for organising this outing.


Now, where's our tutorial notes on night photography?

Only remembered rule 8, and rule 88, can't remember the rest.... oh no!!

Here's the main points from Francis for the night photography :

1) 6.45pm - 7.15pm - Rule of 8

A Mode, F8, ISO 100

2) beyond 7.15pm - Rule of 88

M Mode, F8, 8", ISO 100, WB-Auto.

Note: this is a general guideline, try 1st shot to gauge whether to over expose or under expose.

3) use of black card as the 2nd shutter to cut out exposure.

eg 1: street lights that usually will cause over exposure

eg 2: foreground is brighter than background, could cover with black card for the brighter areas to remove the required exposure.

4) for DSLR without ISO 100, could use F11.

5) starburst effect is demonstrated with the 6-star filter lens

6) zoom effect was demonstrated
-> create shootout effect

7) zoom effect with black card was demonstrated - from wide to close up
-> create repetitive subject from far to near

8) zoom effect without black card was demontrated - from wide to close up
-> create repetitive subject from far to near with a trail effect

9) use of black card for firework

cheers ;)


Just to add:

10) Use the viewfinder curtain (if equipped) to prevent stray light from fooling the camera metering system. (if not using M mode)

11) Framing. Try to exclude unnatural items (like tree branches, construction sites) in the frame when taking landscape shots.

12) Important use of tripod, bulb mode, and cable release for taking fireworks. Expose the background sufficiently before the fireworks come on. Use small aperture for thin trails, bigger aperture for thicker light trails.

Looking forward to the "painting with light" lesson!

Taking this opportunity to wish Nikon, Clubsnap, Peng Eik and everyone involved for making this outing possible. Here’s my take.

An image of a capsule against Singapore’s banking district, busy port and soon to be IR area.


Capsule 1 in charge, Ortega “photography in progress”.


Old friends getting together, chit chatting.


Peng Eik looking tired but always ready to answer any queries on Nikon cameras and lenses.


Not forgetting, thanks to everyone for the great company!;)

My Share Of Photos...With many thanks to Nikon, Clubsnap and the organising committee.





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