[Yilin] :) Newbie APAW 2011

01 Jun 2011

Dull Gloomy Sunset

yr pic is so nice... hope to learn more from you,

:embrass: Thks bro..There are so any more Pros and seniors here to learn from ..i am just a 11mths old learner.

yr pic is so nice... hope to learn more from you,

2 June 2011


:heart: Man-made Forest

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04 June 2011


Had a quick sunrise shoot before rushing to work

06 Jun 2011


My Fav Location for Sunrise

15 Jun 2011


Took this shot together with 2 kakis outside someone HDB unit :confused:

* Thanks to a fren that helped to do some distortion correction =)

15 Jun 2011


Took this shot together with 2 kakis outside someone HDB unit :confused:

* Thanks to a fren that helped to do some distortion correction =)

Good looking eye and nice composition! :thumbsup:

been enjoying your thread :)

i've never dabbled in landscape before, but i'm wondering do you calculate hyperfocal distance when u shoot?

curious cos i see the term popping up in some threads now and then

Thanks Kwanhan ^O^

Landscape much relax than macro or birding . What do you mostly shoot?

For hyperfocal info, i use this to calculate http://www.dofmaster.com/dofjs.html
Normally we switch to manual focusing, know your hyperfocal distance and you focus that ...else just focus to infinity (which will also work =P)
Haha better take my info as side reference , do not want to mislead you. I am "L" plate holder.

been enjoying your thread :)

i've never dabbled in landscape before, but i'm wondering do you calculate hyperfocal distance when u shoot?

curious cos i see the term popping up in some threads now and then

21 Jun 2011


:heart:A fabulous sunrise welcomed me to this new place in the west! Thanks to a "garang" kakis that guide me there ;)

21 Jun 2011
:heart:A fabulous sunrise welcomed me to this new place in the west! Thanks to a "garang" kakis that guide me there ;)
Yilin - I obviously MUST also say FABULOUS la!!!... So who are your wonderful models?... LOL

03 July 2011


My second attempt to capture firework. erh but please bear with the smoke:( Will try again if i have the time.

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Wow! Yilin I think I hv 2 learn fr u Liao. Beautiful!

Fabulous! :thumbsup::thumbsup:

21st July's capture was really amazing!

btw i don't really have the gear to do landscape, just curious.

i really just shoot whatever comes along and catches my eye. hope to do more portraiture when i get a portrait lens.