[ah_K] A Photo A Day 2007

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reminds me of younger, happier times...


My First HDR...


My First ever HDR attempt... the blur was due to my handshake... and pardon the poor PP as I did the HDR manually using layers and was feeling slightly lazy so did not pay attention to lots of finer details (had to manual coz output using CS2 HDR was even more crap hehe)

Any tips on how to improve or get better HDR? What other programs to use to create HDR other den CS2(sux)?

Hope everyone had a happy national day:D

Any tips on how to improve or get better HDR? What other programs to use to create HDR other den CS2(sux)?

Hope everyone had a happy national day:D

Photomatix is good, but you have to really experiment with the program to get natural results, else you'll end up getting something which looks like it came out of a graphic novel. :)

In general, people do not look good HDRed, it won't look like in your photograph. At least to me, they look funny/unnatural under HDR effect. But it's all up to personal preference.

Photomatix is good, but you have to really experiment with the program to get natural results, else you'll end up getting something which looks like it came out of a graphic novel. :)

In general, people do not look good HDRed, it won't look like in your photograph. At least to me, they look funny/unnatural under HDR effect. But it's all up to personal preference.

is photomatix freeware or need to buy?

Settin Sun (2nd attempt at HDR)


I know this doesn't really look like the typical HDR images but i indeed used 4 images to make this :p

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