Are you a woman's magnet?

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I'm not bashing women but having enough $$$ is a form of security that all women wants, esp if she is looking to set up a family of her own. So having lots of $$$ will naturally attract all sorts of women. :)

that magnet to end all magnets?! :devil:

I'm not bashing women but having enough $$$ is a form of security that all women wants, esp if she is looking to set up a family of her own. So having lots of $$$ will naturally attract all sorts of women. :)

Depends what the woman's background is. If they are looking for someone to look after all their wants and needs and to be an accessory to the guy - sure. Mutual attraction.

If she is independent I dun tink she cares 2 hoots if he has money or not. Physical attraction is first and then mental stimulation.

Anyway men with lots of money are generally looking for an accessory.

all the filthy rich guy need to do is dazzle the lady with (*bling-bling*) gifts till blurr. uncle Sam knows that trick rite? :think:

I don't lah hehe I am just curse to being a chick magnet. hahahahahahahah. Me poor as a church mouse and looking for a new job you must be kidding me... Well I WAS Kidding lah. Aiyo. I repel women. Beside I have nothing to offer any women. Only my bike and I will not part with that wifey! :sticktong

Let me help you folks out here:

- a sense of humor
- a sense of humility
- a feeling of security
- sensitivity
- spontantity

perhaps some of the other women folk might help you out;)

Responsibility, trust and mutual attraction, that's all. Though like you said, it does depend a lot on what kind of women they're trying to attract. :p

I don't lah hehe I am just curse to being a chick magnet. hahahahahahahah. Me poor as a church mouse and looking for a new job you must be kidding me... Well I WAS Kidding lah. Aiyo. I repel women. Beside I have nothing to offer any women. Only my bike and I will not part with that wifey! :sticktong

can i recommend u a magnetic bed?

magnet vs magnet! :light: idea leh... :bsmilie:

Depends what the woman's background is. If they are looking for someone to look after all their wants and needs and to be an accessory to the guy - sure. Mutual attraction.

If she is independent I dun tink she cares 2 hoots if he has money or not. Physical attraction is first and then mental stimulation.

Anyway men with lots of money are generally looking for an accessory.

Ok, since its generally, then women generally wants to marry up then marry down right? :D eg, marrying someone who makes more $$$ than her than someone who earns much less.

If a women is independent, of cause she cares if her guy earns money or if he is poor. Women of higher education demands more from her man right?.....she is not intending to sit at home and be housewife.

Most women, like most men are not rich, so if a moneybags comes along, one is likely to be attracted.

Ok, since its generally, then women generally wants to marry up then marry down right? :D eg, marrying someone who makes more $$$ than her than someone who earns much less.

If a women is independent, of cause she cares if her guy earns money or if he is poor. Women of higher education demands more from her man right?.....she is not intending to sit at home and be housewife.

Most women, like most men are not rich, so if a moneybags comes along, one is likely to be attracted.

simply put wealth + social status mostly comes hand-in-hand. that a powerful magnet.

rarely a wealthy guy is a nobody, the opposite oso true, rarely a poor man is of high social standing.


Ok, since its generally, then women generally wants to marry up then marry down right? :D eg, marrying someone who makes more $$$ than her than someone who earns much less.

If a women is independent, of cause she cares if her guy earns money or if he is poor. Women of higher education demands more from her man right?.....she is not intending to sit at home and be housewife.

Most women, like most men are not rich, so if a moneybags comes along, one is likely to be attracted.

alamak afbug - have you got money? Come I show you what you should do with it!

Guys tend to NOT like women earning more than them. Ego thing!

U know, I'm talking about having milllions and billions. 1 million has 6 zeros and 1 billion has 9 zeros. This kinda money, $10000 is small change.

Most women won't care if the guy only has thousands as she can make those money herself but if a guy with millions and billions comes along, I think its really fair game.

alamak afbug - have you got money? Come I show you what you should do with it!

Guys tend to NOT like women earning more than them. Ego thing!

I got money but not millions or billions :D

So u see, its works both ways, guy dun like a women earning more than them and women do not like guys earning less than them.

But I dun mind if my woman makes more $$$ than me cos I'm no millionair. :bsmilie:

simply put wealth + social status mostly comes hand-in-hand. that a powerful magnet.

rarely a wealthy guy is a nobody, the opposite oso true, rarely a poor man is of high social standing.


Yes, this is a sad fact.

But I'm not saying a poor man can't attract women. Sure he can but when it comes to numbers and competition to see who will get more women, then for sure the rich guy will win easily.

I got money but not millions or billions :D
Well if you're looking to invest it then let me know ;)

So u see, its works both ways, guy dun like a women earning more than them and women do not like guys earning less than them.

But I dun mind if my woman makes more $$$ than me cos I'm no millionair. :bsmilie:

I tink you will find women don't mind guys earning less than them.

Yes, this is a sad fact.

But I'm not saying a poor man can't attract women. Sure he can but when it comes to numbers and competition to see who will get more women, then for sure the rich guy will win easily.

You all seem to have left out two other just as influential factors ( if not the original instigator of her marrying up mentality) that plays just as important a role in her choosing a husband or even a b/f. ...Since we are in a bitter mood about fussy women and wooing pangs you guys are feeling heheheh...

Yes, this is a sad fact.

But I'm not saying a poor man can't attract women. Sure he can but when it comes to numbers and competition to see who will get more women, then for sure the rich guy will win easily.

such is the nature so deeply ingrained as a form of survival instinct. can say survival of the fittest, in a sense true. the ability to stand out among the crowd. that appeals to women.

just as men choose somebody who is more beautiful, its not just skin deep. beneath e beauty, signs of healthy genes show themselves visually.

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