C-41 chemicals in Singapore?


New Member
Apr 26, 2015
I wanted to check if there was any place in Singapore that sells C-41 chemicals (Developer, Blix, Stabilizer)? I've been doing B&W processing for a while now, and would like to experiment with C-41 & eventually E-6. I have a Jobo CPE processor on the way, but the C-41 kits available online (Ultrafine and Tetenal) seem really expensive - around USD 100 after delivery, for developing only 8 rolls!

As far as i know, no one sells the C41 developing kit here. You can get from here http://www.freestylephoto.biz/10123-Unicolor-Powder-C-41-Film-Negative-Processing-Kit-1-Liter. Around USD$40 after shipping.

Actually unlike B&W processing, C41 and E6 are very standard processes. At most you can pull or push so there isn't much to experiment unless you intend to try to get film with color casts.I tried both C41 and E6 kits before and the processing turned up fine even without an semi auto processor but now I just leave it to the labs.

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As far as i know, no one sells the C41 developing kit here. You can get from here http://www.freestylephoto.biz/10123-Unicolor-Powder-C-41-Film-Negative-Processing-Kit-1-Liter. Around USD$40 after shipping.

Thanks! Had a look at that, but from what I've read, powder chemicals have to be mixed in one batch and don't last that long. Looks like I'll have to shell out for liquid.

Actually unlike B&W processing, C41 and E6 are very standard processes. At most you can pull or push so there isn't much to experiment unless you intend to try to get film with color casts.I tried both C41 and E6 kits before and the processing turned up fine even without an semi auto processor but now I just leave it to the labs.

True, my main reason in the investment was to develop my own E-6. I have a ton of Velvia & Aerochrome which I'm unable to use since none of the labs in Singapore process E-6 anymore, and I hate cross-processing.

True, my main reason in the investment was to develop my own E-6. I have a ton of Velvia & Aerochrome which I'm unable to use since none of the labs in Singapore process E-6 anymore, and I hate cross-processing.

analog film lab still does E-6 processing though, you can check them out

think ruby has tetenal c41 kit.