Color Lens & FlashFilters - "Old" but Creative Photo Filter


New Member
Aug 11, 2010
While surfing around in web, I happened to find this old but creative trick about lens filter.;)

Sure, you can manipulate your photo all the way you like it using the latest Photoshop installment. For some people, however, even the best photo manipulation cannot beat that distinctive feeling of having created a unique picture “as is”, and for a good reason too: simple photo filters are easy to use, even for beginners. Well, at least you won’t have to sit behind the desk to figure out how to add some extra touches to your photo. This Color Lens & Flash Filter, for example, provides you with ample opportunity to create instant coloring effects on-the-go!


The Color Lens & Flash Filters from Photojojo is a collection of eight, brightly colored acrylic photo filters the size of business cards that will fit comfortably in your pocket. You can also carry these on your keychain. To use them, you need only to put the desired filter in front of your camera’s lens, flash light, or other light sources. Simple ‘eh?



Put the desired color filter in front of your flash to get a fresh spray of colors


These are some of the unique effects you can expect from the Color Lens & Flash Filter

Using the filters, you can do creative works with a multitude of cameras and flash lights, from polaroids to the latest digital models. Feel free to explore all the possibilities.


Is there anyone here who has ever tried this filter? Please share your experience here ..

how large are these filters? i'm sensing that it only can cover my 50mm 1.8.