[drumma] - A photo A week 2007

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hello, it's been really long since i last saw you. enjoy your time in army now, it's gonna be the best among the 2yrs. btw you can always request to bring your camera in. i have a letter of authority to bring my camera in to shoot parades and some other events which i deem 'shootable' and not a waste =p

hello, it's been really long since i last saw you. enjoy your time in army now, it's gonna be the best among the 2yrs. btw you can always request to bring your camera in. i have a letter of authority to bring my camera in to shoot parades and some other events which i deem 'shootable' and not a waste =p

really?! i'll talk to my PC soon.. if i can bring my camera to BMT, that'd be darn cool!

my bbq dinner on national day!


9th aug 2007.

I love this concept.

Too bad your cut her brain away! :bsmilie:


in an attempt to add on to my "blinded by materialism" series. i've shot it the way i interpret. i've chosen to do this during the period of the Great Singapore Sale where you see advertisements("what's your great buy") everywhere encouraging you to buy the things, sometimes things which you might not need even!
so we preserve these things nicely and the model in the picture is being preserved by wraps!

31st may.

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