Images Samples from Lens for KM (Casual Shoots Welcome)

Hiee Pals...


Above is a shot taken with the 400mm APO G on a test to see how well the continuous AF actually perform for fast moving subjects. I had tried on running races, herons in flight, and raptors too. I just want to explore the limits of the AF of the camera (locking focus + subject size factor) so took the lens out to Sengkang area and went to the swampy river and waited for birds inflight...:thumbsup:

Apparently these groups of (terns i think) birds cama by to and fro. Forgot to bring along my tripod which was in the car and I'm slowly walking along some cleared muddy tracks. Tried doing a handheld panning shoot of the birds and first were failures....(operator error). Once I get the hang of panning with this long bazooka, locking the birds in focus was quite easy.
And yes it does lock focus and movemnt of tracking must be precise (there is a learning curve to it).

From this little exercise....All I can say is that to enable AF locking accuracy for tracking/continuous AF to happen, a shallow Depth of field is neccesary (in this case the 400mm focal length @ f4.5 here). AF would have been more positive if a 400mm f2.8 was used - due to tle larger aperture for shallow DOF at the already shallow DOF 400mm focal length. Hmm...600mm f4 would be nice here!!!!!


Minolta Macro 100 2.8 + 1.4 TC + 25mm extension tube:) Awesome... its a staple magnetically held on a screwdriver:)


no cropping:)! just resize, no post processing

Tokina 80-400mm. these shots are taken handheld at about 1/250-1/500 from mid field. at varying focal lengths. Youth soccer game





Title : Minolta 70-210mm f4
Shot Details : Manual - 1/400sec , f4(Picture 1) - 1/125,f4(Picture 2)
Post Processiong : None for picture 1, USM and curve for picture 2
Image Sample :

Picture 1

Picture 2

Some recent shots on Fuji NPS160...

Konica Minolta 28-75mm F2.8



Minolta 50mm F1.4



Minolta 100mm F2.8 SF


Just testing of the bokeh on this lens at f2.0

I quite like it... very similar to one with 80-200 f2.8 APO G HS...



since i have just bought the D5D, was going through the images that were taken from my good old Dynax404 using the kit lens 35mm-80mm, some were taken as far as 7 years ago, they were scanned using Epson 1240U scanner with Film unit, thought of sharing these pix here:

Taken in JB somewhere near my place towards a seafood village near Danga Bay, saw some old broken buses parked beside the road. Taken in b/w, pp to sepia.

Melaka A-Farmosa, in the morning,

Ko Samui beach, in the morning, pp color balance to more blue in sky

This is the current Danga Bay 7 years ago, where the mangrove swamp is still there, sadly, these trees are now history... pp changed color balance to more yellow.

I was crazy with the Hoya 10x macro filter that I bought, went to the park and took lots of pix, and some got out ok, this is one that i like,

Hiee All...

Here is a casual test shot to show an example of sharpness and the bokeh of the 100mm Soft Focus lens...


The bokeh is very example of what modern well corrected lens would look lke....
Some purist like it and some purist prefer gradual edge disappearing...


Hiee pals...

Here's an example shot using the 100mm f2.8 (1st generation)...
I believe the 2nd and 3rd generation ones are equally good...and even better with circular aperture....


The image is cropped and still maintain sharpness...its already sharp out of camera..

With sun out again, just had to exercise the Tamron SP AF200-500 Di LD again at Sg Buloh Wetland Reserve.

I was waiting for a kingfisher to come out of hiding from a tree when this cute little redhead plonked itself on another branch.


I was practicing in-flight shots of little egrets when this heron flew out from the trees around the corner, dove like a kingfisher and nabbed a fish. Sorry for the poor exposure as I had to turn into the sun and had only a split second to shoot.


nice to see the 100-300 APO in action... very sharp indeed.


Any shots using the 100-400 apo?

sulhan said:
Hiee All...

Here is a casual test shot to show an example of sharpness and the bokeh of the 100mm Soft Focus lens...


The bokeh is very example of what modern well corrected lens would look lke....
Some purist like it and some purist prefer gradual edge disappearing...


Yeah, this is one of the best bokeh lens I have ever used... Wonderful demonstration.

Was looking thru' a few photos taken on New Year's Eve and came across these two which I thot I'd do a quick comparison. Both were shot with the 5D kit lens:


f4.0, 1/2 sec, Aperture Priority, 18mm, ISO 400, Exposure compensation: -0.3


f14.0, 3 sec, Aperture Priority, 18mm, ISO 800, Exposure compensation: -0.3

Unfortunately, the values and angle are not constant as required for a good comparison. These were just shots that I'd happen to take while at a friend's wedding. Still, I find it interesting the effect of the long exposure on the 'starburst' coming from the lights (at least, that's what I suspect to be the effect). Also, as already known, the kit lens does look sharper when stopped down. The images are clean with No PS done except to resize and share at 95% Quality.

Any other observations or thoughts?