Kyndi @ Japanese Garden


Aug 8, 2007
south west

some pictures here for sharing. Too much backlog, no time to PP... :(





pretty subject :heart:

were we in the same group ?

Yes, I think we were in the same group. I'm the one with manual lenses. Nice to meet you :)

Are you using pns camera? All look kinda flat.

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what do you seek to achieve with these pictures?

what end result did you seek in mind?

Oh boy.... Urgent stuff came up and I couldn't go for the shoot. Seeing the cute subject doesn't really help... But anyway moving on to C&C

Background in really messy in most shot, not much subject isolation. You seem to have plenty of wide aperture lenses according to your sig, you could have used a shallower DoF
Lots of chopping off of hands, legs and fingers in various photos...too lazy to mention every single one of them, but it shouldn't take much effort for you to notice because they're all quite obvious
Look around and carefully compose inside the viewfinder before pressing the shutter, it's better to have 1 stunning photo than 50 snapshots

Identify your mistakes and see what you can do about it next time. Read up more, and shoot more and you'll improve

Beeth9, try to work on your composition and look out over-exposure at the background.

You have nice pretty model, so try not to waste.

Shoot more and improve on it.

Happy snapping.

nice need for PP. it will only look worst. As it is, the photos are already worst off. I dont see any improvement at all. And the best part is you have 2 sets of camera....really like pro.

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For the above, I used a nex5 as run out of battery on the 50d. Kit lens 18-55mm and exposure f4-f5.

Although I had a 35mm f1.8, the focussing speed of 5-7sec is too slow for such shoots.

Dude, now that your focusing is better than your previous series, watch your composition and exposure, currently it is absent in this series..

Put your heart and focus into each picture before pressing your shutter.. it shows

The background too messy, very distracting. Should also take note of your cropping. Especially #2 and #10.

hmm your 50D battery ran out? Well then that's another lesson to learn then. Always make sure all your batteries are fully charged the night before the shoot
And even though you were using a NEX and couldn't have a very wide aperture, there surely must have been other ways to blur the background, like zooming in and take only half the body for example?

But nex photo quality cannot be that bad, I think u need more practice more on still object first.

For the above, I used a nex5 as run out of battery on the 50d. Kit lens 18-55mm and exposure f4-f5.

Although I had a 35mm f1.8, the focussing speed of 5-7sec is too slow for such shoots.

Did you shoot at full 55mm? The NEX kit lens can produce nice bokeh if the basic techniques are done right.