Leica CM questions...anyone has experience?


New Member
Jun 13, 2012
Johor Bahru
Hi guys, I've been searching the internet high and low about this camera. From the pictures I've seen taken with it, I really have been looking for a camera like this. The lens is absolutely beautiful in rendering portraits! But my big qns is...is it worth the risk of the error 02 shutter problem it has?

I have read an article about it being able to be repaired by a good technician, but is that kind of repair available in Singapore if such unfortunate problem accur? See this link for that article: http://deadcameras.com/2015/05/18/nermal-the-leica-cm/

Also, I've taken into account the possibility of a DIY job, although I'm not a trained technician, any solution to the problem is a solution. That's how much I want this camera. This is the link I found for a repair on a minilux: http://www.minoltakid.com/m/post/12

Lastly is, if anyone has been using this camera and had no problems at all please let me know. Just want to hear different views on it before anything. Sorry for the long post and let's hear some thoughts on it :)

Hi guys, I've been searching the internet high and low about this camera. From the pictures I've seen taken with it, I really have been looking for a camera like this. The lens is absolutely beautiful in rendering portraits! But my big qns is...is it worth the risk of the error 02 shutter problem it has?

I have read an article about it being able to be repaired by a good technician, but is that kind of repair available in Singapore if such unfortunate problem accur? See this link for that article: http://deadcameras.com/2015/05/18/nermal-the-leica-cm/

Also, I've taken into account the possibility of a DIY job, although I'm not a trained technician, any solution to the problem is a solution. That's how much I want this camera. This is the link I found for a repair on a minilux: http://www.minoltakid.com/m/post/12

Lastly is, if anyone has been using this camera and had no problems at all please let me know. Just want to hear different views on it before anything. Sorry for the long post and let's hear some thoughts on it :)

I have never used a Leica CM but I know that it did not sell too many worldwide. Old cameras will have problems and shutter problem is just one and don't think anyone has parts in Singapore for repairs. So buying one is pretty risky unless it is very cheap. Why not consider the Contax G2 camera and interchangeable lenses instead?

I have been using the Leica CM for about a year now and its absolutely amazing for a compact camera. Always by my side.
Skin tones are rendered so beautifully on film, and the bokeh is super pleasant. I would recommend you get one and use it all the way. If it spoils, take it as one hell of a good run :) I haven't had a problem with my set, no regrets!