Leica Servicing

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New Member
Aug 17, 2002
The vertical alignment of my M6 is slightly out. Just very slightly out so it is still usable. But I want it to be perfect. This is a common problem with the M6. Anyone know where can I send it to for re-alignment?

kenghor said:
The vertical alignment of my M6 is slightly out. Just very slightly out so it is still usable. But I want it to be perfect. This is a common problem with the M6. Anyone know where can I send it to for re-alignment?

I know Ron's Camera at adelphi basement can get it adjusted for you. I think prime, camera workshop and the other shop in the basement of adelphi might also be able to do it.

no-no!! you never know what they would do to your mint M6!!

Nescafe said:
no-no!! you never know what they would do to your mint M6!!

How did u know that my M6 is mint?
Anyway that's what I think too. Brought it to a repair shop at Shaw Centre which offers to get it done in a few hours for only $60. But the Mr Lim refused to open it up because mine is too mint and he's afraid that it might leave scratches and markings behind on the exposure dial and the red Leica logo. Furthermore, mine is only slightly out. So it can still function very accurately.

kenghor said:
How did u know that my M6 is mint?
Anyway that's what I think too. Brought it to a repair shop at Shaw Centre which offers to get it done in a few hours for only $60. But the Mr Lim refused to open it up because mine is too mint and he's afraid that it might leave scratches and markings behind on the exposure dial and the red Leica logo. Furthermore, mine is only slightly out. So it can still function very accurately.


thanks for the heads up on the price and turn around time at the Shaw Centre shop. Looks like my M3 will be making its way there soon. :)

Red Dawn said:

thanks for the heads up on the price and turn around time at the Shaw Centre shop. Looks like my M3 will be making its way there soon. :)


For M3, both horizontal and vertical alignment can be adjusted without special tools nor the need to open up the top plate. DIY is quite possible if you r game enough and have steady hands :bsmilie:

If keen, I can provide a link which shows you how.

There is no need to open up the M6 to adjust the vertical alignment. The adjustment is via a small hole behind the red dot on the front. That piece is stuck on only and if removed carefully no marks will be left.

Though a special tool is required to get the job done easily, a jeweller's screwdriver and a gentle hand is good enough - if you are brave - or foolhardy like me! :bigeyes:

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