[Mysternaz] - A Photo Whenever Possible [2008]

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Nov 5, 2005

More of like I'm back after 1 year break! Hopefully I can keep up with at least a picture a week....


Aunty Nor worked with her husband in the market, selling meat and poultry. She experienced pain in one of her arms. Went to see a doctor and was informed that it was maybe due to a pull in her muscle. It carried on for sometime until last two months ago and she met the doctor again. Her husband couldn't stop crying upon hearing what the doctor had to say. But still they braved through the challenges. As days go by she became weaker and was soon wheelchair-bound. Dad helped them a few times for the chemotherapy sessions. Last month she requested for her daughter to tie a knot with the boyfriend. Daughter agreed and the solemnisation is to take place on 09/03/2008 at 6pm. Aunty Noh carved a smile, i'm sure she's glad to see the marriage of her first daughter taking place before her eyes close.

Preparation took place, food were catered and list of invitation were sent out. Yesterday was the solemnisation. But sadly, Aunty Nor passed away between noon - 1pm. It's a sad day for everyone. Mum and aunt cried upon hearing it. It hurts to hear this. I'm sure it hurts more to experience this. May you rest in peace Aunty Noh. To the family, be strong. To the newly wed couple, my congratulations and at the same time condolence to you.


Mum was annoyed this morning when she saw the table was in a mess...Yes it was...But I saw something which she didn't...hahahah​


Well....finally another update after weeks of work work work....I'm sure you can guess what I've been doing last night. Guilty...but I just need a break! So there...


An Infrared shot of the Jurong Lake Park. Taken previously during a simple morning "workout" for the staff. There's still noise in the picture. maybe should modify the camera to ir.


Another shot of the same place...Jurong Lake.


Brings back sweet memories when I look at my collection of photos from Nepal. Lovely place!


A Peek @ the Peaks

In KL currently, will be back in Singapore tomorrow.



I'm leaving for Korea. Will be back after a week. Take care all! :)


Sea of Memories

So many things ran through my mind as I was taking shots of this. Though I've never been here...it brought back pleasant memories....we'll meet again somehow..missing you.

look very postcard-like!

keep on posting!

seems like u travel quite a bit too. :)

Hi Snowywolf! Thank you for dropping by! Yeah, manage to go to a few places within the last 1 year. It was a good opportunity to travel..especially when all the expenses were paid for...hehehe :)


See the Connection?​

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