Nikon Capture NX-D

Let see on the positive side that Capture NX2 and View NX2 will still fully support Nikon D3300, D4s, Nikon Df, and the older camera.

Just if you like upgrade and will buy a new series of camera body in the future, time to say goodbye to Capture NX2 and View NX2 !
Unless Nikon can find another reliable software designer to be partnered with ... :think:! Then lets move on and live with Silkypix.


NX-D as it stands right now, cannot match NX2

i have been using capture nx2 for years now and it's very good at what it does. processing NEFs

i've been playing with nx-d for a couple of weeks now and i would say it's not ready for serious work. even the jpeg export is broken. it doesnt apply the adjustments i made. i already raised this bug to nikon.

What Nikon should do is to better NX2. Bundle it with every dSLR but to only single installation. That will enhance its goodwill. But, sad to say, it's all dollar-will.

If you don't have any other better RAW converter except ACR, download NX-D and use it as a backup RAW converter. Use it as a primary RAW converter if you like the results that much. Just export to 16-bit TIFF afterwards and continue post-production on other software.

I find ACR's colour integrity for NEF to be poor (plus some uneasiness about lighting/exposure interpretation). Depending on your style and what you shoot - some people find the issue irrelevant, some people are bothered by it. Raw conversion is the first step in digital post-processing - "rubbish in, rubbish out". If you can get alternative results in that first step that may be more pleasing, no harm keeping that option available unless you have always been satisfied with ACR's conversion.

Disclosure: I use Photo Ninja exclusively for raw conversion.

Anyone have problem running Capture NX-D? I keep getting Initialization Error (E010), when I try to run this program on Windows 8.

The LATEST version of Capture NX-D Ver 1.0.2 supports the new Nikon body, D810 and D750.

Update to Capture NX-D Ver 1.0.2 (Windows & Mac) on 16th September 2014

Download Link

The LATEST version of Capture NX-D Ver 1.0.2 supports the new Nikon body, D810 and D750.

Update to Capture NX-D Ver 1.0.2 (Windows & Mac) on 16th September 2014

Download Link

I see this on the update page:

*An Internet connection is required to use this software.

Huh? What happens to those of us living in the "wilderness" and need to ingest and process photos? Like in the middle of Serengeti, on a live-on-board dive boat, or heck on a remote island in Indonesia powered by diesel generator?

Or does it mean internet connection at the point of installation and registration?