[Official] X-Pro 2 Thread : The Pro Returns

Those haven't got their X-Pro 2 can consider getting at IT show. free gift same as preorder and cheaper by about $150. :D

Hi , I just called the show promoters themselves and they said they would never have sold an XPro2 at $150 cheaper than SRP.

Bro, Mind clarifying where and who u bought from ?

Or that u had some special deal not available to the general public

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Hi , I just called the show promoters themselves and they said they would never have sold an XPro2 at $150 cheaper than SRP.

Bro, Mind clarifying where and who u bought from ?

Or that u had some special deal not available to the general public

What he said is true
Price is 2709 with a 50 dollar voucher from promoter At the IT show itself.

What he said is true Price is 2709 with a 50 dollar voucher from promoter At the IT show itself.

Noted bro , I'll get back and check, curious about the $50 voucher part.

A lower price is always welcome. I'm just curious and yes , $2709 is right as I've a friend who just paid the same for the X-Pro2 today so I had thought its not $150 off.

The preorders had other freebies like tripods, camera bags , UHS II cards so it works out to agar agar the same.

Noted bro , I'll get back and check, curious about the $50 voucher part.

A lower price is always welcome. I'm just curious and yes , $2709 is right as I've a friend who just paid the same for the X-Pro2 today so I had thought its not $150 off.

The preorders had other freebies like tripods, camera bags , UHS II cards so it works out to agar agar the same.

I think cheaper price is always welcomed, rather than giving tripods, bags, SD cards. However, Fujifilm singapore probably wants their camera to be a premium brand by not lowering the price too much but compensate consumers by giving freebies in place of price discount.

For preorder, some shop already give $100 voucher.

Hopefully the promoter at IT show can sweeten the deal a little bit more on Sunday. :D

Noted bro , I'll get back and check, curious about the $50 voucher part.

A lower price is always welcome. I'm just curious and yes , $2709 is right as I've a friend who just paid the same for the X-Pro2 today so I had thought its not $150 off.

The preorders had other freebies like tripods, camera bags , UHS II cards so it works out to agar agar the same.

So after u check the voucher no more liao ? :)

Was trying out the xpro2 just now. Somehow feel the view finder smaller then what I am use to (XT1)

So after u check the voucher no more liao ? :)

Sadly no more.

It's an egg between 2 walls at times. But I understood what happened.

Preorder users got pissed off seeing that the prices dropped by $150 so fast complained. People who missed the preorders was happy because they got a good deal.

Anyway , summary. Fujifilm is firm about keeping the prices of X-Pro2 maintained and the giving of the voucher was a decision made by their dealers yesterday as goodwill to customers and not Fujifilm's decision.

Yes, period. No more, so as to have the preorder customers happy as after all the show price of $2709 is already more attractive now.

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Was trying out the xpro2 just now. Somehow feel the view finder smaller then what I am use to (XT1)

Ya, I agree too haha.

For the EVF, XT1 series is definitely still larger and yes, XT2's will be even better.

Ya, I agree too haha.

For the EVF, XT1 series is definitely still larger and yes, XT2's will be even better.

Yea so decided not to get the xpro2.

If VF size matters a lot to u , yes - look out for the XT2 instead

Yeap .. Bad eye sight ...so keeping xt1 for now. And xpro2 feels bit light.

Actually xpro 2 heavier leh
I guess x200 and xt2 launch about the same time hehe

Is it heavier ... Maybe it looks light for it size.. Or maybe it give a leica m5 feel without the weight lol. I am looking forward to x200 but heard the lens will not be 35 mm ... Hmm and I guess all current converter from x100 won't work that is why ppl throw them at dirt price now

I got to have a hands on with the x-pro2 and the 35mm f2 glued to the camera on the first day of the show.

I like the size and weight, one thing that puts me off the mp240 other than the digital file was the weight seems to be too much without a proper grip. Hence ergonomics on the leicas digital has always felt wrong even with the m262.

The x-pro despite not having the same dense built and slightly larger size, felt more like a leica philosophically speaking. It has a nicer grip, minimal interference in the hybrid OVF. The camera doesn't get in the way of shooting, which to me is most important.
I think mirrorless cameras in this day and age, no longer needs "F8 and be there", because they are all so quick.

I can't help to whine a little about the lock on the shutter dial. It is not necessary, because it is not at a location prone to accidental swipes especially if you consider the many generations of leicas. As someone who manipulate motion in stills, I wish the lock isn't there. Is there a way to disable the lock?

I will seriously consider this option once there is a 23mm f2 WR lens. Maybe I am nitpicking, but I hope it's better built than the 35mm wr, and I am sure people will pay for it.

Yeap .. Bad eye sight ...so keeping xt1 for now. And xpro2 feels bit light.

I love u bro ;) first person to say XPro2 light. Its a very solid feeling camera to me