Panasonic Leica 25mm f1.4

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New Member
Sep 13, 2007
Hi everyone, I'm new here.
Just want to ask whether the Panasonic Leica 25mm f1.4 lens is available locally?
I'm thinking using my e500 + this 25mm lens to replace my film rangefinder camera.
Thank you:)

I think it is still unavailable in Singapore, as many folks are still looking for this lens. There was some discussion about this lens in here, might want to search through the threads for the information. Not really a value for money lens in my opinion. Overpriced to quite a number of people because of the build quality. I was looking for this lens personally but bought the Sigma 30mm instead. Still waiting for someone to write a review of this lens in the reviews thread.

I think it is still unavailable in Singapore, as many folks are still looking for this lens. There was some discussion about this lens in here, might want to search through the threads for the information. Not really a value for money lens in my opinion. Overpriced to quite a number of people because of the build quality. I was looking for this lens personally but bought the Sigma 30mm instead. Still waiting for someone to write a review of this lens in the reviews thread.

thank you for your comment:thumbsup:

Hi everyone, I'm new here.
Just want to ask whether the Panasonic Leica 25mm f1.4 lens is available locally?
I'm thinking using my e500 + this 25mm lens to replace my film rangefinder camera.
Thank you:)

Very good lens with good glass not generally found on other equivalent:

One super ED (extra-low dispersion) lens and three ED lenses suppress chromatic aberration, thus minimizing color bleeding.

Is there servicing available for the 25mm?

I mean what happens if my copy front focus. Who can I look for in Singapore...?

So how much is that? :dunno: I still dunno how much the BOMB cost... :bsmilie:

Oh, sorry... saw the price... heez... can't afford it... :bsmilie:

So how much is that? :dunno: I still dunno how much the BOMB cost... :bsmilie:

Bomb or not... its still very rare on the market. There are a few copies in Tokyo yodobashi store outlets, about S$1.3k.

Bomb or not... its still very rare on the market. There are a few copies in Tokyo yodobashi store outlets, about S$1.3k.

That's quite a decent price, considering the price it is being sold at B&H. One should get it in Japan since you can try and test it in the shop to check for the focusing issues that some people encounter with their 25mm. Besides, B&H always run out of stocks within 1hr whenever new stocks come in, much to my dismay.

That's quite a decent price, considering the price it is being sold at B&H. One should get it in Japan since you can try and test it in the shop to check for the focusing issues that some people encounter with their 25mm. Besides, B&H always run out of stocks within 1hr whenever new stocks come in, much to my dismay.

Heard its also impossible to get in Japan now. Apparently Panasonic hasn't been supplying any new stock to the retail outlets other than a showcase copy. Already there are rumours that Panasonic isn't supplying this anymore.

At 1.3k its still about twice the price of the Sigma 30/1.4. IMHO having used both I feel the Pana isn't worth the 2x price but then maybe the Sigma 30/1.4 when properly focus-calibrated is just surprisingly excellent for a Sigma.

For those still crazy about this overrated "Leica-Sigmasonic" 25/1.4, B&H photo have it in stock (again) right now at US$799.95.

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