[pegasus7777777]APADOWIC 2009 Collections (A Picture A Day Or Whatever I Can)

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New Member
Aug 25, 2009
Saying Hi to everyone at the same time. This isn't my first post but i'm pretty new to CS.

I like the APAD section, it gives everyone a space to be "brave" and post pictures, nice or bad, terrific or mediocre, so that all can critic and help each other improve.

That said, feel free to pass comments on how to improve on any aspect of the photograph. Especially composition. :)

All images hardly edited unless otherwise stated.

Before ending this, just wanna say thanks in advance for spending time on my thread.

10 Sept 2009 : Macdonald's for everyone, young and old.



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welcome to APAD! :)

tat's a very long acromyn. lol.

Welcome to APAD.

Hey I know this place, Fajar Market Bukit Panjang ? :)

welcome to APAD! :)

tat's a very long acromyn. lol.

Thanks! Quite nervous posting here though since everyone seems rather good, but I'm anxious to improve and learn from those passionate and knowledgeable in photography. Do give yr comments, even if its compositionally uninteresting, just tell me how it could be improved. :)

hey... don't be! this is the most effective place to keep improving... :)

start now and at year end... u will be able to see how much u have improved. we all started from somewhere and we keep learning everyday. :)
Thanks! Quite nervous posting here though since everyone seems rather good, but I'm anxious to improve and learn from those passionate and knowledgeable in photography. Do give yr comments, even if its compositionally uninteresting, just tell me how it could be improved. :)

hey... don't be! this is the most effective place to keep improving... :)

start now and at year end... u will be able to see how much u have improved. we all started from somewhere and we keep learning everyday. :)

Ya i'm pretty excited to see that actually.... if i DID approve. Do keep those comments coming!

Here is another I just took today. Suppose to go take moving Cable Car for the last time before they shut down but weather too humid for my taste (or skin) liao. I end up shooting stuff in Vivo instead.

13 Sept 2009: Father And Daughter @ Fountain


I was experimenting with silhoutte-styles with emphasis on composition. Did minor tweaks the exposure and crop the mother out. What do you guys think? Is this a more interesting composition?

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Took this in an NTUC Fairprice supermarket. Whilst waiting in the long queue at checkout, I noticed a little girl fumbling over a can of powdered milk, which I thought was funny. As I took out my camera to take the comical sight, little did I know I would catch a candid shot of something even better....

21 Sept 2009: Supermarket Stare


This picture was done with some color correction and a little vignetting to make the people in the background less distracting. No cropping was done.
Please give your critiques and comments. How do you like the composition? Is the background too distracting? Framing ok? Should have cropped some stuff out?

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Saw a Giant Mooncake in the middle of Bugis Square. I like it alot but there were so many people walking around, it was hard to get a good composition. From the corner of my eye, i spotted an old man sitting on one of the stone chairs, staring aimlessly at the giant mooncake. What was he thinking? Is he hungry? Bored? Or just wondering what is the big fuss over a huge fake mooncake? We will never know...

25 Sept 2009: Mooncake Meditations


No cropping was done. Some basic color correction only.

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Actually I notice that clubsnappers seem to be rather quiet in APAD section. Is it the mentally is that APAD is a quiet corner for people to just post pictures?

I certainly don't view it as just that, I treat this like an exercise, so that people can help comment and me to improve. So that said, I dun mind criticisms and comments, just fire away!

How else are we gonna improve and learn? And also the only reason I didn't post this in the critique corner is the huge list of questions to answer just to explain one single picture, so I couldn't really be bothered with it. But do treat this like a critique corner and say your piece.

If you couldn't think of what to say, here are some suggestions:

1) Which picture you seen so far (in this thread) is most appealing to you?
2) Which picture could be improved better? And how?
3) Any suggestions / comments in general about what you seen so far?

Really appreciate all this. Thanks in advance! :)

So paiseh, so long dint update liao.
Was busy helping a friend to shoot her wedding and other stuffs.
Today was really inspired by a photography talk by a well-known photographer. He advised shooting in B&W so that we can see the shapes better. So I did.

27 Oct 2009: Cleaning Up


No cropping was done. Shot in B&W.

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12 Nov 2009: Catch of the Day


Minimal cropping was done. Took this in anticipation in one shot.

24 Nov 2009: Busy Bus Stop


This bus stop is really hot!

28 Nov 2009: Riverside Boat


Riverside Boating makes the whole scene look awesome!

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