Points System to "self-govern"

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Senior Member
Aug 18, 2004

Just bouncing off an idea. I think a rating system where anyone can rate CS members could help "self-govern" CS and may help lighten the load of a few mods. It might also be a fairer system (mods may beg to differ).

Someone OTs like crazy in a thread. TS as well as other users can click on a RATE button and a pop-up appears with the following:

[ ] Very helpful
[ ] OT
[ ] Plain rude

It could also be a sliding scale etc. but one member can only rate another member once. If a certain member chalks up too much OT points (could be top 100 OT members), he gets an auto-warning.

If one gets too much Plain Rude [could be top 10], he could get an automatic suspension for 1 week (i.e. cannot post).

Points would be back to 0 beginning of each month.

Wouldn't CS be nicer?

nice, let's start gearing up to abuse the system.

won't work

some people will no be able get to see daylight,

all you need is a few like mind CSers to gang up to give bad ratings to a particular person every week, once a new post by him spotted.

I agree with Catchlights.

When the Asian Monkey troupe model exists amongst Sgreans; you are gonna groups targetting individuals that oppose them (just like the Triads and Mafia do).

I can actually see something in this idea.

It might work if the mod's give the rate ability to a select few that they have noticed over the past 12 months to be un-biased.

The rate menu or such does not have to be completely open.

The mods select say 6 members that they can trust for each forum and give only them the ability to rate threads.

Make any sense :dunno:

I can actually see something in this idea.

It might work if the mod's give the rate ability to a select few that they have noticed over the past 12 months to be un-biased.

The rate menu or such does not have to be completely open.

The mods select say 6 members that they can trust for each forum and give only them the ability to rate threads.

Make any sense :dunno:

what make sense is for the rater's nick to be published. So, ganging up senario will be exposed.

Still, with this twist, still think it is a bad idea.


Just bouncing off an idea. I think a rating system where anyone can rate CS members could help "self-govern" CS and may help lighten the load of a few mods. It might also be a fairer system (mods may beg to differ).

Someone OTs like crazy in a thread. TS as well as other users can click on a RATE button and a pop-up appears with the following:

[ ] Very helpful
[ ] OT
[ ] Plain rude

It could also be a sliding scale etc. but one member can only rate another member once. If a certain member chalks up too much OT points (could be top 100 OT members), he gets an auto-warning.

If one gets too much Plain Rude [could be top 10], he could get an automatic suspension for 1 week (i.e. cannot post).

Points would be back to 0 beginning of each month.

Wouldn't CS be nicer?
if there is a way to safeguard the community against groups of Judge-Dredds and vigilantes going around passing judgement like sh*t through an a**hole on a bad case of diarrhea, then, perhaps...it might work.

sorry for the crude analogy, but let's mince no words.

The mods select say 6 members that they can trust for each forum and give only them the ability to rate threads.

There are more than 50 forums, so you are saying about 300 people who can be trusted.....hmmmmm

sounds like making this a more hostile place than a conducive place.

i mean, all will be wary of one another, everybody will not post... then nobody will share... ppl work in shadows plotting against one another... seriously not a place i wanna stay for another minute...

If there can be racial harmony in Singapore, why can't we have harmony in CS..

To those who complain: If u dun like it you ignore and leave it alone..complaining doesn't solve the problem..in my point of view, the root of all cause always come from people who complain..in live, you couldn't possibly have everything your way..you can't force a person to accept your views, and you can always choose not to accept the other's views..IMHO, I think the latter should work better..

Festive season is round the corner..lets move on..its a time for sharing and giving..:sweat:

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to All CSers!!

sounds like making this a more hostile place than a conducive place.

i mean, all will be wary of one another, everybody will not post... then nobody will share... ppl work in shadows plotting against one another... seriously not a place i wanna stay for another minute...
why wary of what one posts? if one's conscience is clear, there's nothing to fear. :devil:

why wary of what one posts? if one's conscience is clear, there's nothing to fear. :devil:

i mean wary of ppl reading their post... seriously... if i write a post, then 10 jump in without reading & say its OT... then wat am i gonna do? so in the end, i might as well dun write. so lppl have to really think hard before pressing the submit button.

and conscience have nothing to do with posting anyway... but conscience is a guide to tell you how u should post.

If the days has come...
I can foresee there will be many "wars" here,
many CSers will have to form allies to stay alive,
no one is spared.....
there will be no peace till everyone stop posting...........

the end is near.....

If the days has come...
I can foresee there will be many "wars" here,
many CSers will have to form allies to stay alive,
no one is spared.....
there will be no peace till everyone stop posting...........

the end is near.....

haha. sounds like a good script for a film. "When the dark days of Modor will come again"

Hmmm why not have a few "hidden superusers" to give this rating which is submitted like a "report" or "Complaint" to the mods. So the mods can make the decision on taking action.

haha. sounds like a good script for a film. "When the dark days of Modor will come again"

Hmmm why not have a few "hidden superusers" to give this rating which is submitted like a "report" or "Complaint" to the mods. So the mods can make the decision on taking action.

i dun mind having the Deathnote... :devil:

i mean wary of ppl reading their post... seriously... if i write a post, then 10 jump in without reading & say its OT... then wat am i gonna do? so in the end, i might as well dun write. so lppl have to really think hard before pressing the submit button.

and conscience have nothing to do with posting anyway... but conscience is a guide to tell you how u should post.
if people do just that, it only shows how shallow & impulsive they are. you need not worry about people like them, forumers with common sense will know the difference. if you acted according to your conscience, you have already done your part.

anyway, isn't that the way? think before pressing that submit button. we have all the time to think and reconsider before posting our views. so we really have no excuse if we screw up in the forums.

if kopitiam-chat, then don't say la :bsmilie: (even so, fights do start in kopitiams :think: )

anyway, you highlighted my earlier point exactly. we need safeguards against people like that, if the system is ever implemented.

Bad idea. Was in one gaming forum that introduced this points system. Total Chaos. Period.

First we have people who chiong posts. Now it will become a popularity contest with people chionging "user-points". :dunno:

It's a free (to a certain extent) forum, so lets just leave it at that. I think the current pool of mods are doing an above average job. So :thumbsup: to them. If there is a need for more policing, then lets have more mods. But 300 more "mini-mods" ? :nono:

If the days has come...
I can foresee there will be many "wars" here,
many CSers will have to form allies to stay alive,
no one is spared.....
there will be no peace till everyone stop posting...........

the end is near.....

can't say it more eloquently than catchlight did ... peace will rain the CS land when no one is posting anymore.

Bad idea. Was in one gaming forum that introduced this points system. Total Chaos. Period.

Many had tried these rating, and they don't work. Only time it worked is when the admin rule the land with a draconian iron fist. Do we want that in CS? I don't.

First we have people who chiong posts. Now it will become a popularity contest with people chionging "user-points". :dunno:

It's a free (to a certain extent) forum, so lets just leave it at that. I think the current pool of mods are doing an above average job. So :thumbsup: to them. If there is a need for more policing, then lets have more mods. But 300 more "mini-mods" ? :nono:

Don't fix it if it ain't broken.

We have debated this issue internally last year when the updated version of our software provided the option for members to "rate" each other, and thankfully, we did not implement it as experience from other forums has shown that its extremely prone to abuse and causes more issues that it solves (or purports to solve).

At the end of the day, the "rating" becomes a popularity contest and an ego-booster and likely does not reflect the "contribution" of the member.

Thus, we will not be implementing such a system (for the foreseeable future) unless there are some major breakthroughs or if we learn of a "best-known-method" for implementing that will provide a desirable outcome.

Thanks for your understanding and cooperation.

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