Question on Macro photography using oly system...

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Go ulu places.... then you kill him after you show him the trick? :sweat:

The killing part is for sure, the ulu place makes it more convenient to get rid of the body... doh! You don't have a criminal mind, my young padawan jedi. You have to hang out with us sith lords more.

diy?? how long you spend making that manz??...

About 15-30 minutes work, including the drawing of shape. Actually, maybe a bit more because I even tested out how large it supposed to be for optimal use.

good work wor... you should start making and ask PPCP to sell them for yyou... ;P
I don't know about PPC, if they want they can start making it. I hardly think this is revolutionary in any way.

does the reflector needs to be white??..
No, just use whatever colour you prefer.

cos my subjects are mainly butterflies... thus its too cumbersome to mount tripod and handheld at long shuttle speed.... and bright colors(white) usually scare the butts away....
I suppose tripod and long shutter speed is out of the question anyway for butterflies, I have never seen a butterfly with stiff wings, except if it was dead.

Good to see another macro enthusiast here and I must say that I'm no expert.

....and pump in some fill-flash (slow sync 2 at -1.7 to -3.0 flash EV, with FL36 mounted off-camera on flash bracket) for most of my shots. My shutter speed is normally very slow, sometimes as slow as few seconds. Unavoidable if we are looking for a lighter or green BG and maximum DOF for greatest details. That's explain why the tripod is my standard out field equipment. Used to be a burden but now it becomes my best friend.

... Beetles, Bugs & Butterflies.

Hi, can u share what tripod and flash bracket u use? Is the flash bracket mounted on something (cam, tripod)?

Hi digitalbuff,

I'm using the Gitzo G-2220 Explorer Aluminium Tripod (
and the Wimberley Macro Brackets ( )

The flash bracket and the lens share the same lens plate.

The flash (FL36) mounted on the flash brackets was connected to the camera's hot shoe with the off-shoe cable (FL-CB05).


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