[Shahrie] An iPhoto A Day 2011

Realised #11 and #17 is a double post. Oh well, #11 is by instagram.


[Flight of Stairs]

I actually shot this by accident. I was trying to see how sun flares have effect on the shadows on the stairs. And my GF took so long to get out of the way. So I shot her in it. :bsmilie:​

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[Evening Jogger]
I love joggers (though I don't do it myself. :bsmilie:) They seem to be in the world of their own. Taken at Jurong West near Singapore Boys Home. Edited with Photoforge2 iPhone app.​


[Alley Phone]
Taken somewhere at near the shops at Chomp Chomp Upper Serangoon. Guess these workers are having their break or maybe 'leeching' wifi from the resdents there.​