[ Shooting ] - Community Gathering - 18th Jun 2011 - Pulau Ubin

Date : 18th June 2011
Time : 8:30am
Place : Tampines MRT Station

Those who are coming, please add your name to the list

1. Spidey89
2. Headfonz (meet you guys at Changi Point Ferry Terminal)
3. zan82
4. arctos
5. pchmj
6. elgkh
7. Spidey89's friend
8. Spidey89's other friend
9. headfonz's friend (also meeting at Changi Point Ferry Terminal)
10. rwhite

Have to squeeze time for this shooting, I have to leave at 3pm though, lol, see you guys there. :bsmilie::bsmilie:
Anyone bringing m4/3 9-18mm so i can play with? Can exchange with my IC for a while, LOL

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was wondering when you'll show up hahahha, can, we may be gone from Ubin by 3, depends XD

Still considering whether to come for the Lecia and GF3.
Not interested in Spidey's face as I don't do guys. :p

was wondering when you'll show up hahahha, can, we may be gone from Ubin by 3, depends XD
Haha.. i wish i can stay longer at Ubin, 3pm too early no meh? LOL

lonewolf, bring your best combi, haha

rwhite said:
Haha.. i wish i can stay longer at Ubin, 3pm too early no meh? LOL

lonewolf, bring your best combi, haha

Hmm, if I come I would hope to be able to swap the 25mm Lecia by accident with my 14-45mm.
Hell I will even change the hood to the Lecia hood and spray paint the lens to make it look alike. :p

Date : 18th June 2011
Time : 8:30am
Place : Tampines MRT Station

Those who are coming, please add your name to the list

1. Spidey89
2. Headfonz (meet you guys at Changi Point Ferry Terminal)
3. zan82
4. arctos
5. pchmj
6. elgkh
7. Spidey89's friend
8. Spidey89's other friend
9. headfonz's friend (also meeting at Changi Point Ferry Terminal)
10. rwhite
11. Spidey89's yet another friend

Sorry guys, i need to work through the weekend, doubt i can make it. hopefully i can join the next one.

Date : 18th June 2011
Time : 8:30am
Place : Tampines MRT Station

Those who are coming, please add your name to the list

1. Spidey89
2. zan82
3. arctos
4. pchmj
5. elgkh
6. Spidey89's friend
7. Spidey89's other friend
8. rwhite
9. Spidey89's yet another friend

Date : 18th June 2011
Time : 8:30am
Place : Tampines MRT Station

Those who are coming, please add your name to the list

1. Spidey89
2. zan82
3. arctos
4. pchmj
5. elgkh
6. Spidey89's friend
7. Spidey89's other friend
8. rwhite
9. Spidey89's yet another friend
10. loneWolff (Might already be on the island at 8.30am, will call Spidey if I'm already ambushed there)

Sad to miss you bro, August don't miss hor, I won't be around :D Lonewolf,decided to come ah? Lucky grp not too big XD

spidey89 said:
Sad to miss you bro, August don't miss hor, I won't be around :D Lonewolf,decided to come ah? Lucky grp not too big XD

You don't want me to come ah, then I don't come loh :p

spidey89 said:
Never said so :p

Just yanking your chain lah.
Will bring all my lens along for a short morning, I'm still going for the Oly talk.

ehh, no girls again huh? bored leh, hahaha, unfortunately my female friend who always join us cant make it this time :p

ehh, no girls again huh? bored leh, hahaha, unfortunately my female friend who always join us cant make it this time :p

My friend is a girl hahaha,Arctos I think also :/ Anyway,must have girl to have fun meh?lol

8.30am meet up by then reach the island can have lunch already:) Maybe join loneWolff go over early morning & see you guys there... am I invited?:)

8.30am meet up by then reach the island can have lunch already:) Maybe join loneWolff go over early morning & see you guys there... am I invited?:)

No.... You're not invited, cause its opened!!! Hahahaha, lame joke, anyway, I'll probably get everyone to leave about 8:45 sharp

No.... You're not invited, cause its opened!!! Hahahaha, lame joke, anyway, I'll probably get everyone to leave about 8:45 sharp

Lame lame lame....
Anyway, if you set off at 8.45am from Tampines MRT to Changi Point is a good 30 minutes on a good day... more if your luck is really bad.
Another 15 minutes wait for the transportation of human traffic across to the island, so you are expecting to reach there by 10am is it?
Shoot what at that timing huh? Bird, insect, scenary or me? ;p

Remember to print a map of Ubin hoh, they stop giving out free maps for some time liao.