Show us your lighting setups - Part 2


left to right: honl 1/4 grid, lumiquest SBIII, reflector with ebay s-mount adaptor, gridded barndoor, ebay beauty dish, lastolite ezybox 15"

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For outdoor shoot, is it better to use flash with softbox or for example TAGO Pro F600 Outdoor Flash is better? Without comparing about the load and easy carry.

In the US, if you say 'strobe' or 'speedlight', they will assume you're talking about a hotshoe flash. If you say studio strobe, they assume you're talking about monoblocs.

In the UK, and most of the rest of the world, if you say 'strobe', they will think you're talking abut the stroboscopic special effects light unit seen in discos. The kind that emits very short bursts of light on and off very rapidly for the 'freeze-stop motion' effect. Your SBs of EXs or studio monoblocs - those are actually called 'flash'.


Kenji, which modifier to use depends on several factors. Primarily, what sort of control one requires for a certain look or effect.

The main consideration is not whether you're shooting outdoors or indoors, even though that has some bearing if bounce and reflected light is a criteria, as well as environmental considerations, aka, strong winds etc.

Most photographers just getting into off-shoe work (I hesitate to say 'Strobing') or studio flash will probably experiment with either a softbox or an umbrella.

There's a lot more to artificial light control than just a softbox or umbrella, but those are affordable and fairly easy to start with. In capable hands, those two modifiers could probably cover 50% - 75% of a photographer's needs ... depending on what kind of photography you do, and what lighting styles and techniques you prefer.

BTW, no need to worry or get scared by all the different modifiers you see. Just think of it this way - simply, they help diffuse light, reflect light or concentrate/restrict light. If you take time to study the basics, learning how to see and control light becomes easier.


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In the US, if you say 'strobe' or 'speedlight', they will assume you're talking about a hotshoe flash. If you say studio strobe, they assume you're talking about monoblocs.

In the UK, and most of the rest of the world, if you say 'strobe', they will think you're talking abut the stroboscopic special effects light unit seen in discos. The kind that emits very short bursts of light on and off very rapidly for the 'freeze-stop motion' effect. Your SBs of EXs or studio monoblocs - those are actually called 'flash'.


Kenji, which modifier to use depends on several factors. Primarily, what sort of control one requires for a certain look or effect.

The main consideration is not whether you're shooting outdoors or indoors, even though that has some bearing if bounce and reflected light is a criteria, as well as environmental considerations, aka, strong winds etc.

Most photographers just getting into off-shoe work (I hesitate to say 'Strobing') or studio flash will probably experiment with either a softbox or an umbrella.

There's a lot more to artificial light control than just a softbox or umbrella, but those are affordable and fairly easy to start with. In capable hands, those two modifiers could probably cover 50% - 75% of a photographer's needs ... depending on what kind of photography you do, and what lighting styles and techniques you prefer.

BTW, no need to worry or get scared by all the different modifiers you see. Just think of it this way - simply, they help diffuse light, reflect light or concentrate/restrict light. If you take time to study the basics, learning how to see and control light becomes easier.


Thanks. Btw, what is modifiers?

wooo u got the ezybox. was it expensive?


left to right: honl 1/4 grid, lumiquest SBIII, reflector with ebay s-mount adaptor, gridded barndoor, ebay beauty dish, lastolite ezybox 15"

170+ usd got it very long ago can't exactly remember, i use the westcotts more.

i have a softbox and a beauty dish on a strobe but for the life of me i cannot distinguish the difference between them based on the results i have taken. they seem to be almost the same besides the catchligths. can anybody care to enlighten me how to use these modifiers properly :D i'm not a professional photographer so your help would be really great

here's one example: (sorry for the self-portrait, my kids no longer have any interest into modelling for me)


the shot was taken with a beauty dish about dish 45 degrees to the left and a spot reflector 90 degrees on the right

from that picture, i can't see the effects of using a beauty dish. it seems i can duplicate that using a softbox.

i have a softbox and a beauty dish on a strobe but for the life of me i cannot distinguish the difference between them based on the results i have taken. they seem to be almost the same besides the catchligths. can anybody care to enlighten me how to use these modifiers properly :D i'm not a professional photographer so your help would be really great

from that picture, i can't see the effects of using a beauty dish. it seems i can duplicate that using a softbox.

Zack Arias covered it in his workshop. The differences are subtle at times...

i think the china made softboxes are quite well built for the price... but the lightstands that are packaged with it are too light and flimsy.. you think?

the 60x60 one? how do you find it? :think:

i have the 30x30

i think the china made softboxes are quite well built for the price... but the lightstands that are packaged with it are too light and flimsy.. you think?

what we are talking abt here are the softboxes for flash bro...
are u referring to strobes or flashguns?