Show us your SLR...


Snapped from my low-end Black Berry.

Praktica MTL 5B with Carl Zeiss Jena Pancolar 50/f1.8 lens.

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My little collection...can't compared to the bros here...:)

Here's my collection

FM3A and F3



The tank! Contax ST with c/y Planar 50/1.7


Here is my collection :

Voigtlander VSL-1 with Color Ultron 50mm f/1.8 (both made in Singapore!) :

Porst Compact Reflex (rebadged Cosina CSM) with Porst 35mm f/2.8 (M42 mount) :

very nice! keep it up!

Nikon F3/T with 50mm f1.2 AIS


njwbert- Nice titanium F3............
Just a few others in the F series,

F2AS MD2-MB1 w DS12 / 50mm-F1.2.

F2A MD2-MB2 w DS12 and 250back/ 105mm-F1.8.

F3hp w MD4 and MK1 / 60mm-2.8 macro

F4s/37-70 zoom.

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Thats some cool stuff. Just wondering where can we get these slrs? And where did you get yours at, Hlkwee?

Hi Jeddd, thanks. Mostly bought new from yesteryear. The F2a and the 250 back was purchased from ebay.

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I see. Don't really have good experience getting stuff on eBay. Usually I'll get it from shop. But their prices usually on a high side. You mind i ask how much did you pay for the F2s and 250 back? Thanks.

njwbert- Nice titanium F3............
Just a few others in the F series,

F2AS/ 50mm-F1.2.

F2A w 250back/ 105mm-F1.8.

F3hp/wMD4 and MK1 / 60mm-2.8 macro

fierce rigs you got there! :thumbsup: and those are some real hard accessories to find too :bigeyes:

the mk 1, bulk film back and the ds 12 are real accessories!

Thanks azzurri .Yup, just managed to be at the right place at the right time (very lucky).
Still looking for the Yuasa battery for the DS-12. Tried various battery retailers and fabricated at least 5 but all does not hold charge or does not charge at all.

I see. Don't really have good experience getting stuff on eBay. Usually I'll get it from shop. But their prices usually on a high side. You mind i ask how much did you pay for the F2s and 250 back? Thanks.

Hi you already.

Cool. Thanks!

Hlkwee, what a great collection you have there! Your stuff looks spanking new!

Thanks inckurei. Very little exercise on these cameras indeed. Just love the craftsmanship though.