[ShuLL] A photo a day 2007

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Aug 1, 2003
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アンアンアン とってもだいすきドラえもん
Ang Ang Ang...To Te Mo Daisuki... Doraemon..


Boring Sunday afternoon..was looking around my room..saw my Doraemon soft toy which my gf bought for my bdae(i am a Doraemon fan since young). Was kinda boring just shooting it as it is. So when my specs fell from my hand, this inspiration came. Quite comical i think..​

It's oct..but well..better start late than never..


Boring Sunday afternoon..was looking around my room..saw my Doraemon soft toy which my gf bought for my bdae(i am a Doraemon fan since young). Was kinda boring just shooting it as it is. So when my specs fell from my hand, this inspiration came. Quite comical i think..

nice and refreshing. ain't ever too late to start, but always finish what u started.
look forward to your daily works:)




Reached home at abt 1830hrs..Due to the nature of my work, i can't bring my camera into my workplace..so gotta look around at home at what to shoot.​


Purple Sunrise?


Due to global warming, the weather's been crazy nowadays. One moment raining cats and dogs, the next moment, hot like crazy. In the near future, our sunrise may just looked like this if we don't take good care of mother Earth.​


Europe? or US?


RAF's Eurofighter Typhoon and USAF's F-16 Fighting Falcon. Both represent the formidable multi-role fighter on 2 sides of the Atlantic. The Typhoon is newer and posses more raw engine power, but the F-16 is battle proven. Which one will you choose? I'll go for the Typhoon



The Crossover


Skipped the last 3 days because these 3 days i reached home at close to 2300hrs. And as i say, my working place do not permit me to bring cameras.

Anyway for today's shot. It's taken in JPEG without any post processing whatsoever(only resize) as i do not have a computer with PS here in Malaysia.



Red Halo


Took this pic yesterday, but only have time to process it today(i hope it still counts as yesterday's shot).

Anyway, i realised that i do not really have the time to shoot a pic a day. So i shall change the topic to "As and when i can"



Happy Yellow


Make a guess..Morning or evening sun?


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