SLR film


Sep 29, 2010
are there any shops selling films and developing of films?


Fotohub still does D&P for negs and slides, 35mm and 120. I'm sure other labs too, just that FH was near my place -- not any more tho :(

wah!!! no FH shops in north area ... :(
BTW ... how much do they charge to develop one roll

I just checked all the 9 outlets FotoHub do not process slide film (E6 process). However they still do C41 process on slide film.
Anyone knows who still do E6 processing?

If you are doing C41 cross processing on E6, Triple D at Burlington Sq does it.

If straight E6, Google for Analog Lab Singapore. I think they are the only one left.

Hope that helps.


Ruby at Peninsula Plaza takes E6 orders again (checked about 3-4 weeks ago). Not sure what size or turnaround time though.

lomography singapore shop (opposite buddha tooth relic temple) does E6 development too. not sure of the price and turnaround...

Ruby at Peninsula Plaza takes E6 orders again (checked about 3-4 weeks ago). Not sure what size or turnaround time though.

Developed a couple of months ago, about 2 weeks, 35mm film. I just mailed 4 rolls to Analog Film Lab for E6 processing on Monday, $8 per roll or processing, $1.15 mail there, $2.5 mail back, cheaper than sending 4 rolls to Ruby