[Snowywolf] - A photo when my heart allows [2008]

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how come your background so cool one, got wet leaf with water droplet nearby in the bg? :)


how come your background so cool one, got wet leaf with water droplet nearby in the bg? :)

thanks bro..

eh.. as u can see.. my f stop is .. "???" so.. i really dont know where those funny 'droplets' come from.. :sweatsm:

but i tried this with the 2x mc TC.. :p
so difficult to use with the macro lens.. -faints-

mad my set up very heavy..
i think i didnt use flash though.. or i think i might have used the in built flash..

:: Suicide ::​
f/?? exp1/125s ISO 200 Pentax K10D + Voigtl 125mm macro apo (manual) + 2x mc tc​

Hi Snowy, I know life is tough but don't do it...hahaha - "nice shot and title".

haha, clever! this is good.
heehee.. -blushes- thanks bro J.

Hi Snowy, I know life is tough but don't do it...hahaha - "nice shot and title".
i wont.. or rather.. try not to.. :p


:: outside to inside, light and shadows, reflections vs realities ::
What is it that you see?​

:: She's the ONE who.. ::​
f/5.6 exp1/125s ISO 100 Pentax K10D + Voigtl 125mm macro apo (manual)​


:: thirsty..not fishing ::
f/5.6 exp1/60s ISO 100 Pentax K10D + kit

:: Hover Fly ::​
f/?? exp1/125s ISO 200 Pentax K10D + Voigtl 125mm macro apo (manual) + 2x mc tc​

:: Hover Fly ::​
f/?? exp1/125s ISO 200 Pentax K10D + Voigtl 125mm macro apo (manual) + 2x mc tc​

This is amazing, fantastic shot! The ROI of your Voigt huh:thumbsup::thumbsup:

This is amazing, fantastic shot! The ROI of your Voigt huh:thumbsup::thumbsup:

thanks Chris for your kind words.

it's also a bit of picasa (framing), slight sharpening and a bit of effects here and there..

bad jayne! bad poison!


p.s. i just ordered a lensbaby 2.0 :) :) :)

wow! so crisp!
hope it looks good enuff to be eaten! hehheh..
picasa is good.. so is voigt lens.. but i think it's PENTAX!
ohh.. don't get me started on Pentax again..
i haven't held my 'baby' for almost 3 weeks?

bad jayne! bad poison!


p.s. i just ordered a lensbaby 2.0 :) :) :)
u've already started me on a frenzy trying to save enuff (which i doubt for the next 1/2 yr or so) for a 10-20mm.. i'm going to 'wring' u alive if you get me started on a lensbaby..
P.S. I just got a macbook:heart:
Dun tempt me in getting voitlander leh
hehe.. boey, what's stopping you? the MF?
thanks for dropping by.. :lovegrin:

:: Fly Away.. Fly Here to Stay ::​

f/4 exp1/125s ISO 100 Pentax K10D + Voigtl 125mm macro apo (manual)​

Wow this is beautiful! Like the Esplanade attached to it's body. :bsmilie:

perhaps that's where the architects got their inspiration from..
not the durian, but the body of the fly.. :bsmilie:

thanks for ur kind words!

:: Dog ::​
f/1.4 exp1/4000s ISO 400 Pentax K10D + Pentax FA50mm f1.4​


Some very stunning shots here.
Love your bugs shots........ beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.

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