{velasco} A photo whenever possible {2010}

Yah, think dark, monochrome, sepia, goth, grotesque, mood, dreamy, mysterious.
I was this photo > http://studiosquid.wordpress.com/tag/sarah-moon/
Morgan, 1983 by Sarah Moon that draws the connection initially.

thanks for exposing me to her works, they are gorgeous and are now an inspiration to my craft.
I wish I can develop this series further to compile as a portfolio for ADM. The only problem posed is presentation. I usually work with images of 700 x 700 pixels and hence , I really believe it will be difficult to print large ehhe.


A series of lines that break the direction.
A series of wavelengths that distinguish us both.


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A series of lines that break the direction.
A series of wavelengths that distinguish us both.

excellent b+w and you are doing great my friend..

love the texturing u added that makes the normal capture outstanding...good stuff..

Awesome strong images.
your black and whites are really captivating.
Will be tracking your tread my man!

breathtaking and nice work bro!

Awesome strong images.
your black and whites are really captivating.
Will be tracking your tread my man!

thanks for your visit and nice encouragements :)

here's another :

12.the great divide

in a contrast of colours, in a strip of light, for a junction of crosspaths, with a walks of life.

breathtaking and nice work bro!

Awesome strong images.
your black and whites are really captivating.
Will be tracking your tread my man!

thanks for your visit and nice encouragements :)

here's another :

13.losing my colour

for all the rush that ruffled my senses,
a smear of grey was in abundance.
human touch bare in existance.
no ounce of compassion left to spare
would you mister,
stop and care?


LOL, I love neglecting my threads :)


The Ibans are a branch of the Dayak peoples of Borneo. In Malaysia, most Ibans are located in Sarawak, a small portion in Sabah and some in west Malaysia. They were formerly known during the colonial period by the British as Sea Dayaks. Ibans were renowned for practising headhunting and tribal/territorial expansion. In ancient times the Ibans were a strong and successful warring tribe in Borneo. They speak the Iban language.


16."Love is a symbol of eternity. It wipes out all sense of time, destroying all memory of a beginning and all fear of an end"

so, if i may, allow me to grow old with you.