Wanting to try a 35mm film camera


Jan 20, 2011
hi all, i looking to start to use film cameras..but first off...where can i get a good one?
i'm currently looking at the Canon A-1, but other then ebay, where else can i find one? But then again, is there any recommendations that you guys have?

Budget...say about 3-400? i don't know the going rates for film cameras tho.
Basically, just for everyday photos, family, friends, streets.

also with the above, would it be ok to survive with just a 35/50mm lens?

many thanks for any input (in adv.)

you can always browse thru marketplace and narrow down the various brands of SLRs available. make sure that they are in working condition. get online reviews prior to deciding on the particular camera's make and model. base on your shooting genre, a 35mm or 50mm is suffice. i got my F-401X with SB22 flash all in CS, for just below $200.
of course you can also check out physically at those shops in Peninsula Plaza or Adelphi selling used SLR bodies, but bring a friend who's familiar with SLR.

hope it helps:cool:

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hey bro, thanks for the input. will definitely go check out the physical item too.

Theres plenty of people selling film cameras here.

My advise is actually to go for the Nikon F100. Its one of the very best film cameras I've used to date.

All the dials and feel of the camera is able to match those of the DSLR versions. Not to mention that its able to mount almost any of Nikon's lenses from 1959 till date. It's one of the few film cameras that I still keep and use. The value of this camera is about I think 400 plus? Just about your budget.

moved thread to "SLR and compact" section, as TS asked about SLRs rather than RF.

hi all, i looking to start to use film cameras..but first off...where can i get a good one?
i'm currently looking at the Canon A-1, but other then ebay, where else can i find one? But then again, is there any recommendations that you guys have?

Budget...say about 3-400? i don't know the going rates for film cameras tho.
Basically, just for everyday photos, family, friends, streets.

also with the above, would it be ok to survive with just a 35/50mm lens?

many thanks for any input (in adv.)

I think I saw one for sale with a 50mm F1.4 FD less than 200 in the market place a couple of days ago.

but meter is dead.

Good luck!

I noticed a few cheap Nikon SLRs in the marketplace, F65, F80, and F90X. Now is a pretty good time to pick up a bargain!

I noticed a few cheap Nikon SLRs in the marketplace, F65, F80, and F90X. Now is a pretty good time to pick up a bargain!

Sure there's these types of SLRs, but do remember to read up on them first before buying.

You wouldn't buy a car before looking under the hood right? Same thing here. All the best in finding a good film camera.

Sure there's these types of SLRs, but do remember to read up on them first before buying.

You wouldn't buy a car before looking under the hood right? Same thing here. All the best in finding a good film camera.

I 2nd the F100. Relatively afforable for a 2nd hand camera and the learning curve for a DSLR user is more gentle as the buttons and usage is almost similar.

Unless one wants to get the F6....then I really dunno what to say

I 2nd the F100. Relatively afforable for a 2nd hand camera and the learning curve for a DSLR user is more gentle as the buttons and usage is almost similar.

Unless one wants to get the F6....then I really dunno what to say

Oh, that one's a keeper! I'll buy that to keep it for life man.

F100 , i just saw the physical thing..a tad big in terms of size la ..IMO.
=) paiseh ah.

thanks again to all for your inputs.

F100 may be big, but it really feels solid and rugged. All controls are nicely placed and AF is fast and sure with my screw-drive lenses. For the price you're getting almost F5 quality without the cost, bulk and battery drainage.

F100 may be big, but it really feels solid and rugged. All controls are nicely placed and AF is fast and sure with my screw-drive lenses. For the price you're getting almost F5 quality without the cost, bulk and battery drainage.

Agree. We're not trying to force you to get the F100, don't get us wrong. But if you want something to last for a long time. F100 is the way to go.

Agree. We're not trying to force you to get the F100, don't get us wrong. But if you want something to last for a long time. F100 is the way to go.

Or an F6 but that cost around $1600 to $1800 used? Almost 3 times the price.

If not thread starter can consider FM2...that one is a keeper too and it does not use much batteries

Agree. We're not trying to force you to get the F100, don't get us wrong. But if you want something to last for a long time. F100 is the way to go.

what are your thoughts on say, F5 compared to a F100? Currently owned a F3 and thought of getting another body.. :D

hi all, again, thanks for the contributions.
just to update, i made a online purchase for an FM2~ =) waiting for it to come anxiously, i'll admit i think i'll have issues since its manual and stuff, but i guess thats where the fun begins also, the learning process.


also, thanks to those that have been dropping me PMs on informing me of avail cameras on sale too! appreciate it .

Again...sorry ah..i still found those..F90X, F100 too huge at the moment. and and...i like the looks of the FM2 haha... *pls dont flame me because of this comment* haha

hi all, again, thanks for the contributions.
just to update, i made a online purchase for an FM2~ =) waiting for it to come anxiously, i'll admit i think i'll have issues since its manual and stuff, but i guess thats where the fun begins also, the learning process.


also, thanks to those that have been dropping me PMs on informing me of avail cameras on sale too! appreciate it .

Again...sorry ah..i still found those..F90X, F100 too huge at the moment. and and...i like the looks of the FM2 haha... *pls dont flame me because of this comment* haha

Congrats on your purchase, I'm sure you'll enjoy using it! What lenses are you getting for it?

what are your thoughts on say, F5 compared to a F100? Currently owned a F3 and thought of getting another body.. :D

I've played with my friend's F5 for a while, it's awesome but it's way too big and drains 8x AA batteries. Since I'm not a sports photographer or photojournalist, I don't need the extra FPS, vertical grip, weather sealing and other goodies to justify getting one. But it's really one heck of a machine.

For me, I'd go for the F100. F5 was just way too bulky to lug around.

I've played with my friend's F5 for a while, it's awesome but it's way too big and drains 8x AA batteries. Since I'm not a sports photographer or photojournalist, I don't need the extra FPS, vertical grip, weather sealing and other goodies to justify getting one. But it's really one heck of a machine.

Thanks guys! I will reconsider based on the bulk and weight! :thumbsup: