Where to get Taiyo Yuden DVD ?

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New Member
Jan 10, 2006
I used to buy from SLS printable Panasonic brand DVD-R with media code TYG03 which is good and made in Japan. Today, I went to buy but couldn't find any stock in the whole of SLS.

Where did you guys buy your DVD media (for professional use) ?
I feel like buying in bulk through internet. Anybody done that b4 and which website is reliable ? Thanks.

HWZ might have some MO once in a while. I don't mind joining some MO if someone is organising.


you can try VR-Zone forum too. :)

There are MOs and people selling the DVDs too.

TY have a subsidiary here but no local distributer in Singapore.
They only sell to bulk purchasers in lots of >10k.
Want to buy their product also so difficult.:confused:

I think I'll switch to MCC disc instead.
They produce locally and quality should be top class also.
(Maybe that's why TY not keen to sell here ??)

Thanks for the replies.

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