X-pro 2 coming out soon ?

Ralf Winston

Oct 26, 2013
Saw some places clearing x pro 1 at $899 body only. But some shops saying will be out only next year.

Saw some places clearing x pro 1 at $899 body only. But some shops saying will be out only next year.

Let's say U will definitely see X-Pro2 no more than 8 months away , assuming no delays.

Let's say U will definitely see X-Pro2 no more than 8 months away , assuming no delays.

Waaa... Big hint there..,start saving up

Can't say too much :) there's a place and time for everything

x-Pro 1 discontinued in Malaysia (enquired about a month ago) but still selling in Singapore ?

Xpro1 on sale at great discount in Japan now.

Xpro1 on sale at great discount in Japan now.

Always note that for Japan sets , there are export and local sets - with local sets strictly only valid for within Japan warranty :)

The X-Pro1 has been around a long time and frankly ran a long journey for a camera (some brand push out top tier models every 9 months wor)

Always note that for Japan sets , there are export and local sets - with local sets strictly only valid for within Japan warranty :)

The X-Pro1 has been around a long time and frankly ran a long journey for a camera (some brand push out top tier models every 9 months wor)

Thanks for the info. Does it hold true for those set with english menu?

seems like x-pro 2 launch is imminent. even malaysia also clearing stocks. but the cheapest i found has to be at courts orchard at $899. anyone check if they have anymore at courts orchard ? or any place selling cheaper

Why buy such an old body?

Where it is common among us (me included) to always want the "latest" the truth is the old models are not necessarily poor. Was looking through my old pictures shot using my Canon 400D (from like 7 or 8 yrs ago) and to be honest, the difference between that and my "latest" models isn't great in terms of IQ. In good light some are just as good.

Our pursuit of the latest models is fuelled by a heady mix of bragging rights, excitement over a new "toy", new body functions, etc. Absolute IQ, IMO doesn't come into the equation very much and there isn't much improvement from 1 generation to the next. Or maybe it's just me.

So my answer to ur question is "why not?".