110/120/135(35mm) Format Film Scanning/Development Service (Coolscan 9000)

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ups for the afternoon!!

ups for the evening!!

ups for the morning

ups for the night!!

Are you able to provide drum scanning now for 135 film format?

ziggy said:
Are you able to provide drum scanning now for 135 film format?

Unfortunately, durm scanning is out of service until I rectify the problem.. Seems to be a very complex issue, so it won't be fixed soon.. Sry abt it..

Ups for the night!!

Are you able to provide scanning service now?

Decbride said:
Are you able to provide scanning service now?

Hi there, unfortunately due to various circumstances we can only start in December. I hope to hear from you again then :)

Ups for the day!!

Ups for the evening!!

Ups for the night!!

Ups for the weekend!!

Ups for the day :D

Ups for the night!!

ups for the evening!!

ups for the evening

Ups for the night!!

ups for the weekends

Ups for the night!!

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