Filmmaking Course

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Senior Member
Apr 13, 2005
Dover Cl East
Taugh of getting my friend Ex RTS director, Poly lecturer and now filmmaker to run a series of course in this area. How about a newbie starter course. Done this a few times myself this Sunday. Just a token $10 for registration food and drinks. Venue Pasir Panjang from 2-5pm. PM for details.

write, shoot, direct, and edit your own short films...well impossible in a few hours but we can try haha!

Taugh of getting my friend Ex RTS director, Poly lecturer and now filmmaker to run a series of course in this area. How about a newbie starter course. Done this a few times myself this Sunday. Just a token $10 for registration food and drinks. Venue Pasir Panjang from 2-5pm. PM for details.

..forgot to mention, the organizer reserve the right to cancel this session if the required number of 8 participants is not met.

:bigeyes: this will be interesting! haha

highly doubt its possible. directing on its own is a killer. So many pointers to note.

there is too much to teach in 3 hrs....even if u manage to teach basics...its only the basics...They will be slightly better but not ready for making a movie anyway

there is too much to teach in 3 hrs....even if u manage to teach basics...its only the basics...They will be slightly better but not ready for making a movie anyway

On second thought, may i've got too ambitious and unrealistic. Actually, It's more like scartching the surface only. I was thinking of the 10 mins quickie instructions that I used to give newbie renting my handycams and hey! itworks. Not misleading you and to get serious, its actually a 6 months full-time course done oversea and a diploma in videography takes 3 years to complete in our local Poly to be specific. Its like teaching you to drive in 10 mins Horrors!

hey guys, i'm not expert too. but if there is any gathering or anything...i dont mind trying to come down to learn and share too.


hey guys, i'm not expert too. but if there is any gathering or anything...i dont mind trying to come down to learn and share too.


me too...

The show will still go on so long as there's 8 participants, will probably be postphone if there are insufficient members. Please be reminded it's a starter course despite the 'extensive' coverage :bsmilie: .


im keen. please keep me updated.


I am stuck with my editing, is there anybody that u can recommend me to?
I'm stuck @ the DVD menu. When using still photo to become background menu, the picture pixelated, however the whole video not affected. But it is totally not presentable.
Pls help

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