[MGohzxc] APWP - Singapore is Beautiful



your art piece already surpassed many people older than u. Love your pictures a lot... Jiayou

The technical part of this is good.

Composition wise, I'm not sure this is optimal. The triangle idea is great, but my suggestion is to balance out the space on the right and left - if you had cropped off space on the left, you can afford a bit more (and lose some from the bottom)... Or even a horizontal compostiion might work well. If there were distracting elements there, moving left a wee bit will help solve this somewhat while keeping roughly the same compositional idea..

As always, try not to crop such that elements are touching the edge of the frame... There are always exceptions , of course. THe first that comes to mind is when elements encroach in from the corners.

Another suggestion is to layer a duplicate layer on top of this one, use the shadow/highlights tool to recovery some shadow detail (just 5% will do); duplicate the original layer (unchanged), move it to the top of the stack such that you have original --> brightened --> original. You can then erase the top layer such that the details on the middle part of the rocks are revealed slightly more. You can then adjust that middle layer for opacity and merge them when satisfied.

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Hi uncle WK,
thanks for the C&C.
For crop space, balance of left and right space and elements touching the edge of frame, all well noted.

For the first part of layer work flow, I actually did it and maybe less than 3% (for the big rock in the middle), I think. So it could be more expose for the shadow and highlights.
For the second part, I still have two shots not process yet and I will try.

Thanks again.

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recovery of middle rock details - 5%

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include the same workflow for the rocks on the left, 3%

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Wishing all Clubsnappers a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
