[eikin] A Photo A Day 2007

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haven't heard of such a style :bsmilie:

301107 ginger in cocoon


ginger's story http://forums.clubsnap.com/showthread.php?t=331025

btw, slight ot. the other day my friend showed me the synopsis of this jap movie called visitor q.. i really tried to be open minded.. but it really seems alternative :bsmilie:

btw, slight ot. the other day my friend showed me the synopsis of this jap movie called visitor q.. i really tried to be open minded.. but it really seems alternative :bsmilie:

sorry to further the ot but, i'll check it out. :bsmilie:

btw, slight ot. the other day my friend showed me the synopsis of this jap movie called visitor q.. i really tried to be open minded.. but it really seems alternative :bsmilie:

sounds like a pretty sick movie :bsmilie: interesting plot btw, especially if you're familiar with Oedipus complex in Freudian psychoanalysis. shock tactics are not uncommon in film making, and are especially popular amongst young filmmakers who hunger for attention from the critics' circle. film, like photography, is complex in the relationships between the artists, critics and audience. sometimes when a film doesn't appeal to you even though it won a Cannes' award, it's pretty much just that, meant for some, not meant for some :bsmilie:

for alternative movies, miike takeshi's movies are too pictorial, even for people who have done human (non-living or sedated) dissection. Kim Ki-duk's movies are better. to avoid OTing too much, google it. i recommend bad guy and the coast guard.

she's concentrating :bsmilie: not enough space around when everyone's wearing thick winter clothes, her daughter got squeezed beside her :sweat:

091207 Heirin Monastery


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