Macro Converter

I bought a macro converter (teleplus 25mm S$110 Cathay Peninsula) and used with my D90 50mm F1.8D. AF fully functional. See sample pix -

I think it is actually an extn tube and not a macro converter. :)

Yes, an extension tube. Also the brand is uniplus (not teleplus). More sample..



Shots taken just down our HDB block garden in Marine parade.. just trying out the setup.

Thanks for Stevewhy for starting this valuable thread :) I'm keen to explore the world of Macro and I've managed to find a Kenko Teleplus 2X macro converter on the internet, but before I purchase it, hope that you will enlighten me on what other set up is needed? My current camera is Canon 350D, do I need a FD to EOS adaptor for the macro converter to work? cos the information given on the internet is that it will only work with Canon FD lens. I intend to pair the macro converter with my canon 50mm 1.8 prime lens.

I'm still very blur on the set up.... if I do get the macro converter with my canon 350D, is it going to be set up as below:
350D body + "FD to EOS adaptor" + macro Converter + "FD to EOS adaptor" + 50mm Prime 1.8 ?
350D body + 50mm Prime 1.8 + "FD to EOS adaptor" + macro converter?

Many thanks in advance for the help rendered.

I'm still very blur on the set up.... if I do get the macro converter with my canon 350D, is it going to be set up as below:
350D body + "FD to EOS adaptor" + macro Converter + "FD to EOS adaptor" + 50mm Prime 1.8 ?
350D body + 50mm Prime 1.8 + "FD to EOS adaptor" + macro converter?

Many thanks in advance for the help rendered.

Hi RyanRemus.

Welcome the world of Macro.

According to your information it's a FD mount macro converter(37 years old canon mount), so you need a FD to EOS adapter, your 350D is an EOS mount,
you can only used FD mount lens on this converter, FD lens discontinue in 1990.

350D body + FD to EOS adapter + FD macro converter + FD mount 50mm lens.
Hope this helps, enjoy your new found interest. ;)


Hi RyanRemus.

Welcome the world of Macro.

According to your information it's a FD mount macro converter(37 years old canon mount), so you need a FD to EOS adapter, your 350D is an EOS mount,
you can only used FD mount lens on this converter, FD lens discontinue in 1990.

350D body + FD to EOS adapter + FD macro converter + FD mount 50mm lens.
Hope this helps, enjoy your new found interest. ;)


Hi Steve,

First of all, thanks for taking time to answer my enquiries on the set up :)

But Oh oh, I guess I'm not specific with my set up, sorry...... the 50mm 1.8f I have is a EF mount, not a FD mount. How would it apply in this case? Would I still be able to use the Macro converter? Any additional set up that I need to get?

Thanks for all your help, Steve :)

the 50mm 1.8f I have is a EF mount, not a FD mount. How would it apply in this case? Would I still be able to use the Macro converter? Any additional set up that I need to get?
Unless you can control aperture you can't use the lens. I am not familiar with Canon, but I don't think that lens has mechnical aperture control ring, in other words you can't use it together with a macro converter. Macro converters are made for old lenses and unless you come up with a solution to control aperture the lens will be used wide open and will give you really bad images with practically no DOF and very soft. Get a cheap film lens and use that on the macro converter.

the spider pic on the first page...can it be taken with a dedicated macro lens?
and wats the magnification for that

the spider pic on the first page...can it be taken with a dedicated macro lens?
and wats the magnification for that

Not really, unless you add on extension tube or close up lens.
Sorry don't know the exact magnification, but it's at less 1:1. ;)


so in acutal fact dedicated macro lens can only take close up?

so in acutal fact dedicated macro lens can only take close up?

Yes and No, that depends on how big or small the subject is, but on the dedicated lens it state
Macro right, even little PnS camera do have the word Macro printed on it, I'm a little lost too :dunno: hahaha.. ;)


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Hi Guys, I'm a keen admirer for macro shots. i'm using a nikon 105mm f/2.5 with a pk-13 extension tube. currently i'm focusing at about 30cm from the subject. can anyone recommend how i can focus further away from the subject yet achieving the same size and quality of pic? Thanks in advance

Hi Guys, I'm a keen admirer for macro shots. i'm using a nikon 105mm f/2.5 with a pk-13 extension tube. currently i'm focusing at about 30cm from the subject. can anyone recommend how i can focus further away from the subject yet achieving the same size and quality of pic? Thanks in advance

Sorry you can't. ;)


which means to say i still have to go for a macro lens rite?
by the way, gotten a mc7. it works really well

Yup Macro lens gives better quality compare to normal prime lens.
Glad that you found what works for you, enjoy your new found hobby. ;)


I would like to know where can i get a raynox 250
any idea?

What the difference between the micro converter, micro filter and micro tube in terms of prices, quality of picture and usage ? Which will give shaper images and cost effective for a beginner ? Your feedback would be much appreciated. Thanks.